
皇冠的英语怎么读 最大值高频同义词总结

皇冠的英语怎么读 最大值高频同义词总结

17. 顶点,最大值 peak,summit, top,high point, crown, acme,zenith, highest point, 最小值 minimum, start at, least, lowest, minimal, slightest, smallest, minimize, constrain

这组词在 A 类小作文当中很常见

peak (n./v.): E.g. Figures produced at a World Energy Conference showed that oil and gas production should reach a peak

between 1985 and 2000.

E.g. Wind speeds peaked at 105 mph yesterday

summit (n.): 山顶/峰会(就是国家首脑间的会议)

E.g. A summit meeting of OPEC leaders was called to find a solution to the oil crisis.

E.g. Many people have now reached the summit of Mount Everest.

crown (n./v.): 本意是皇冠

E.g. crown prince(the son of a king or queen, who is expected to become the next king)

crown princess

crown colony(a colony controlled by the British government)

18. 脆弱敏感的 fragile, sensitive, vulnerable, delicate, frail, weak, susceptible, tender, maximum risks, powerless, feeble,weedy, flimsy, rickety, jerry-built, badly made,

fragile (a.): E.g. Relations between the two countries are in a

fragile state.

sensitive (a.): 敏感的,很多考生不明白脆弱的和敏感的怎么会是相关词,举个简单的例子:如果篇文章中说南极的气候非常的敏感

frail (a.): E.g. frail body/physique

feeble (a.): E.g. a feeble light/voice

susceptible (a.): E.g. Children are particularly susceptible to the disease.

delicate (a.): E.g. The sun can easily damage a child‘s delicate skin.

19. 迷人的 attractive, charming, good-looking, inviting, lovely, pretty, pleasant, tempting, engaging(engage),

inviting (a.): E.g. an inviting smell (英英解释:something that is inviting is attractive and makes you want to experience it)

engaging (a.): E.g. one of her most engaging and least known novels

E.g. engaging smile

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