
probably是情态动词吗 中考英语考点整合

probably是情态动词吗 中考英语考点整合

考点1,my food has gone missing.

missing为形容词,意为找不到的,失踪的, go接形容词做表语时,通常表示变成某种状态。

Missing, lost, gone区别

Missing 丢失的,失踪的,缺少的,强调不在场

Lost 丢失的 丧失的

Gone 离开了,不复存在,常做表语

例如: After the flood, five people were found missing.

In the storm,the ship was lost.

My pain in the arm is gone now.

另外go 加动词的-ing形式,表示去做某事

Go swimming / shopping/fishing/skating

考点2, untidy adj 不整洁的,反义词为tidy

They sat in her clean and tidy kitchen.

考点3, lie vi 说谎,作为名词表示谎言,谎话,复数形式为lies, tell a lie撒谎, a white lie善意的谎言。

原形 过去式 过去分词 现在分词

Lie vi 躺,位于 lay lain lying

Lie vi 说谎 lied lied lying

e.g. He lied about his career.

The boy lay on the sofa.

Lies can’t cover up facts.

考点4, He was last seen leaving his office in East Town at about 7 p.m. yesterday.

See sb doing sth 看见某人正在做某事,此类动词还有hear, watch 等

See sb do sth 意为看见某人做某事,强调看见动作发生的全过程

We saw some boys playing football on the playground.

They saw Tom read in the library.

将see/watch/hear/make/have sb do sth结构变成被动语态时,要加上省略的不定式符号to

e.g. They made me stay there alone.----I was made to stay there alone by them.

考点5,somewhere adv 在某处,经常用于肯定句

Little Tom must be somewhere near here.

somewhere某个地方 anywhere任何地方( 多用于疑问句和否定句)everywhere各个地方,nowhere 无处,哪里都不,当有形容词修饰这些不定副词或不定代词(something, anything等),形容词应该放在这些词之后。

考点6,contact vt 联系,还可以做不可数名词,意为 联系,联络,常用短语:make contact with sb 与某人联络上

e.g. Please tell me how I can contact him.

You can contact her at 123456. (at 后可加号码)

I finally made contact with him in Paris.

考点7, wound vt 使...受伤,也可作为名词,表示 伤口,创伤

That thing is a wound to my pride. 那件事伤了我的自尊。

He was wounded in the leg.

The wounded soldiers were taken to the hospital by ambulance.

考点8, as a result 因此,作为结果 as a result of 意为由于..相当于 because of ,置于名词性词组之前用以说明原因。

It’s raining hard. As a result, we can’t go out.

We can’t go out as result of the heavy rain.

考点9, guilty adj 有罪的, 常用短语:be guilty of 有...罪, be guilty about 对...感到愧疚

The young many was guilty of robbery. 那个年轻人犯了抢劫罪

考点10, charge 动词, 指控,控告, charge sb with ...指控某人有...罪,被动语态为 sb be charged with...

The police charged the man with murder.

The thief was charged with breaking into a shop yesterday.

考点11,break into 强行闯入,后面接表地点的名词做宾语。

常用短语有:break in 打断 break down 坏掉,失败 break out( 战争,火灾等)爆发

The thief broke into the office, but he didn’t steal anything.

考点12, suppose vt 猜想,假定,料想,后跟名词,代词或宾语从句

Be supposed to do sth 应该做某事

I suppose he is still in the town. 我想他还在镇上。

考点13, breathe [briːð] v 呼吸, breath [breθ] 名词,呼吸的空气; 一口气;迹象;

It’s good for your health to breathe deeply.

Tom went out to breathe some fresh air.

考点14, heavily adv, 常用来修饰动词或句子,修饰rain,表示雨大。

It is raining heavily.= It is raining hard. = There is a heavy rain now.

考点15, prove vt 证明

用法:prove 名词 prove sth to sb 向某人证明某事/某物 prove 宾语 宾补 prove that 从句

He has proved his courage in the battle.

Can you prove your theory to us?

They prove themselves wise and brave.

Can you prove that you are right?

考点16, lead to 通向,导致...其中to为介词,后接名词或动名词做宾语

His hard work led to his success.

The accident led to many deaths.

考点17, couple n 一对,夫妇,可数名词,谓语动词可用单数也可用复数

The couple was/were married last week.

Each couple was asked to complete a form.

考点18, probably adv 大概,或许,常用于肯定句,位于助动词,情态动词或连系动词之后,实义动词之前,有时可放句首。

He can probably tell us all the details we want.

Probably he might be cured.

考点 19, turn out 原来是,结果是 (有较强的出人意料含义)

The film turned out to be a great success.

That man turned out to be a thief.

Turn on 打开, turn off 关闭 turn up 调大(音量等) turn down 调小 turn over翻转 turn into 变成


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