
虎的英语句子 虎年寄语建议收藏

虎的英语句子 虎年寄语建议收藏


A Message in the Year of the Tiger


The Spring Festival has just arrived, but the heart is still like a calm lake, without waves. I don‘t know when it started that the Lunar New Year is no longer a vision, but a form.


In the past, there was a shortage of New Year goods, but not a shortage of New Year flavor; nowadays, there is no shortage of New Year goods, but a lack of New Year flavor.


"Unforgettable Tonight" has been sung year after year, but we can‘t retrieve the original taste and passion. What doesn‘t change is the sunrise and sunset, and the replacement of the four seasons. What has changed is our gradually aging appearance, but what we can‘t retrieve is the original appearance.


Years are mercilessly carved in the hearts of each of us. Life has been in a hurry for decades, and we have experienced earthly events, drunk all the earthly wine, demonstrated the truth, kindness and beauty of you and me, and hidden our own bitterness and sorrow.


The Year of the Ox has landed in 2021, and the Year of the Tiger is about to set sail in 2022. I wish all my relatives and friends good luck in the New Year. May all of us have the spirit of the tiger to win the battle against the epidemic.

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