
look up什么意思 表示往外看的词汇怎么写

look up什么意思 表示往外看的词汇怎么写


一、look forward to


  • We look forward to the return of spring. (我们期待着春天的到来。)

  • I look forward to paying you a visit next week. (我期待着下星期去拜访你。)

  • 二、look out


  • Look out! The pan of milk is bubbling over! (小心!那锅牛奶溢出来了!)

  • 但是,look out也可以像下面的句子一样,用作句子的谓语:

  • Do look out for spelling mistakes when you check your work. (你检查作业时,一定要当心拼写错误。)

  • 【注意】

    当look out与of连用时,不再表示“留神;小心”,而是表示“往外看”。如:

  • Looking out of the window, I see a lot of children play and yell. (我从窗口往外张望时,看到许多小孩一面玩耍一面叫嚷。)

  • 三、look up


  • 查阅:You can look up this word in the vocabulary. (你可以在词汇表里查这个词。)

  • 仰视:He lay on his back and looked up at the sky. (他仰卧著观看天空。)

  • 看望:I shall certainly look up all my old friends when I go back home. (我回家的时候,当然要去看望我所有的老朋友。)

  • 【注意】

    当look up与介词to连用时,表示的是“尊敬;敬仰”。如:

  • The children all look up to the baseball player. (这些孩子都很敬仰那名棒球运动员。)

  • 四、更多相关短语

    (一)look at

    该短语表示“看着”,相当于have a look at。如:

  • Let me rest a while and look at the view. (让我歇一会儿,看看这景色。)

  • (二)look for

    该短语表示“寻找”,相当于search for。如:

  • He thumbed through the directory to look for her number. (他翻阅电话号码簿找寻她的号码。)

  • (三)look after

    该短语表示“照顾;看管”,相当于take care of。如:

  • They employed her to look after the baby. (他们聘请她照料婴儿。)

  • (四)look into


  • 浏览:They stopped to look into the window. (他们停下来看看橱窗。)

  • 调查:A working party has been set up to look into the problem. (已成立工作组调查该问题。)

  • (五)look down

    该短语表示“俯视;轻视”。注意,当look down表示“轻视”时,其用法为:look down on/upon,或者look down one‘s nose at。如:

  • 俯视:The director look down at the actor from the dolly. (导演从摄影车上看下面的演员。)

  • 轻视:Her parents told her not to look down upon countrymen. (她父母叫她不要瞧不起乡下人。)

  • 轻视:He looked down his nose at the offer. (他对这个建议嗤之以鼻。)

  • (六)look over


  • Look over the exercises before handing them in. (把练习再检查一遍。)

  • (七)look through


  • 看穿:He looked through a pane of glass. (他从一块玻璃看过去。)

  • 检查:We‘d better go and look through his luggage. (咱们还是去翻翻他的行李吧。)

  • (八)look on


  • 看待:I used to look on him as a friend. (我以前把他看作是一位朋友。)

  • 旁观:In no case will they look on passively. (他们决不会在一边看热闹。)

  • (九)look to

    该短语常用在“look to it that...”结构中,表示“留心;注意”。如:

  • Look to it that you make no more similar mistakes. (注意今后你不要再犯类似的错误了。)

  • (十)look like


  • He called me a copy cat just because my new shoes look like his. (只因我的新鞋子象他的,他就说我的模仿他。)

  • (十一)look around


  • I just want to look around and see if I can get any gifts to take home. (我只是想随便看看,看能不能买到什么礼品带回国去。)

  • (十二)look back

    该短语表示“回顾;回头看”。注意当look back表示“回顾”时,常后接介词on或to。如:

  • 回头看:On and on he ran, never daring to look back. (他直往前跑,怎么也不敢回头看。)

  • 回顾:I like to look back on my high-school days, which were the happiest in my life. (我喜欢回顾我的中学时代,那是我生命中最快乐的时光。)

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