
concert是可数还是不可数 初中英语语法专项讲练

concert是可数还是不可数 初中英语语法专项讲练




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~ 名 词 ~

  • 名词有几类?
  • 类别







    Tom, China, UN,UFO

    the Great Wall 长城

    the Greens 格林一家人





    doctor, apple, concert



    people, class, police





    water, rain, air



    help, friendship, peace

  • 中文名词和英文名词有何区别?
  • 英文名词有单复数之分,体现在拼写形式不同;She has one apple. I have two apples.




    单数变复数的变化分为规则变化和不规则变化两种。 名词需要考虑单复数!


    1. 规则变化:




    book—books exercise—exercises

    以辅音字母 y结尾的,先变y为i再加es








    以f、fe 结尾的,把f、fe变为ves



    2. 不规则变化:

    man—men woman—women child—children foot—feet tooth—teeth mouse—mice

    1) 中、日不变。Chinese—Chinese Japanese—Japanese

    2) 英、法变。 Englishman—Englishmen Frenchman—Frenchmen

    3) 其余s加后面。American—Americans German—Germans Australian—Australians

    3. 单数和复数形式相同:

    deer—deer fish—fish sheep—sheep Chinese —Chinese Japanese—Japanese

    4. 既是可数又是不可数名词的意义不同:

    work工作-a work著作 glass玻璃-a glass玻璃杯 paper纸-a paper报纸 文件 试卷 tea茶-a tea一种茶

    wood木头-a wood树林 room空间-a room房间 hair头发-a hair一根头发

    1. 由两部分构成的东西:glasses 眼镜trousers裤子scissors剪刀clothes衣服 pants短裤 shoes鞋


    1. 名词考虑单复数

    (1) 名词前有数字、some、these、one of、different等修饰时,要考虑名词的单复数。

    She has two _________(字典).

    There are _________(不同点) between English and Chinese.

    I think one of the _________(男孩) comes from England.


    We can’t go shopping on _________(工作日).

    (2) 根据所给单词或首字母填空时,名词要考虑单复数。

    Her father likes reading newspapers and m__________.

    2. 名词前冠词的选择 参见冠词部分讲练

    3. 名词所有格的使用

    (1) 以s结尾的名词,变所有格时在s后加 ’ ,不以s 结尾的复数名词,仍加 ’s

    Lily’s birthday the dog’s name Teachers’ Day Children’s Day

    I think the _________(作家) new book will come out soon.

    It is about ten _________(分钟) ride from your home to school.

    (2) 用and连接两个并列的单数名词表示共有关系时,这时只在最后一个名词后加“’s.”

    This is ____________________(Mary and Lily) bedroom .


    These are ________________(Tom and Jack ) school bags .

    (3) 表示店铺、医院、诊所、住宅等名称时,常在名词后加 ’s 代表全称。

    at the doctor’s at the Bob’s

    (4) 由复合不定代词something 、anything 等和else 连用时,所有格应加在else的后面。

    This is _________________(somebody else ) pencil .

    (5) 表示时间、距离、国家、城市等无生命的名词,也可在词尾加’s 来构成所有格。

    an hour’s ride two weeks’ time China’s capital

    4. 不可数名词的数量表达

    (1) 不可数名词即使有a lot of lots of much some 修饰时,也不会有复数。

    (2) 不可数名词使用量词表达“多”:

    a glass of milk a piece of paper two spoons of yogurt

    5. 名词作主语时 be的考虑

    (1) “数字 量词 of ”作主语时谓语动词与量词一致。

    A pair of shoes _______(be) under the bed . Two pieces of paper _______(be) on the desk .

    (2) 定冠词“the 姓氏s”表示“一家人”,视为复数。

    The Greens _________(have) dinner now.

    (3) 时间、金钱、距离作主语时谓语动词用单数。

    Two hours ________(be) enough for us to get there .

    (4) “不可数 不可数”谓语动词单、复均可。

    Water and air ______(be) important to people.

    6. 名词作定语时的数

    (1) 名词作定语时,一般用单数形式。There is a ________ (shoe) factory near the school .

    (2) 名词作定语时,个别情况用复数形式。 The ________ (sport ) meeting will be held next week .

    (3) 男变女变,修饰名词也变。There are twenty ________(woman) ________(teacher) in out school.

    苹果不变,修饰名词变。I planted three _______(apple) _______(tree) in the garden.

    7. “介词 名词”同形容词的对应: be in 名词 = be 形容词

    Many animals are in great _______(dangerous) . = Many animals are dangerous.

    She always keeps in _______(healthy). = She always keeps healthy.

    8. 名词改变词性

    (1) 动名词的使用(动词修饰名词应变为doing动名词)

    The girls are sitting by the swimming pool. I have some good eating habits.

    (2) the …(此处应为名词) of

    You should realize the ___________(important) of this exam.

    (3) … (different应变为名词difference) between …

    Can you tell the __________(different) between the two things?

  • 试试看
  • 练习(一):请根据句意用所给名词正确形式填空。

    1. There are two_________ (手表)over there.

    2. I like taking ________ (照片).

    3. l can see a _______ (man) and two _______ (woman)standing there.

    4. There are two baskets of_____ on the floor. (apple)

    5. Look at those__________(child).

    6. He doesn‘t like these__________(glass).

    7. How many __________ (radio) can you see?

    8. There are more and more __________(女) drivers in Shanghai now.

    9. Give me some __________(advice), please.

    10. There is _______(Lily) name on it. It must be her book.


    ( )1. After moving to their new house, the Lees bought some ______ in the mall nearby.

    A. furniture B. chair C. table D. shelf

    ( )2. We haven’t got much ______ for our picnic. Will you go and get some?

    A. apple B. tomato C. bread D. biscuit

    ( )3. He knows ____ Chinese and has ____ Chinese friends.

    A. much, many B. many, much

    C. much, much D. many, many

    ( )4. I’m thirsty. I think I’ll buy some __________.

    A. water B. bread C. eggs D. apples

    ( )5.-Would you like some ________?

    -Oh, yes, just a little.

    A. pears B. oranges C. milk D. grapes

    ( )6. Look ! There are some _______on the floor.

    A child B boxes C water D girl

    ( )7. There are many __________ in the fridge.

    A. fish B. fruit C. eggs D. bread

    ( )8. Don’t hurry! We still have ______ time left.

    A. little B. few C. a little D. a few

    ( )9. There are twenty ______ in our hospital.

    A. woman doctors B. women doctor

    C. women doctors D. woman doctor

    ( )10. _____ are usually careful in doing exercises.

    A. Girl students B. Girls students

    C. Girls’ students D.Girl’s students

    ( )11. -What are these? -They are _____.

    A. deers B. radios C. radioes D.tomatos

    ( )12. How many ______ are there in these _____?

    A. tomatos, photos B. tomatoes, photos

    C. tomatoes, photoes D.potatos,photoes

    ( )13. Mr. Chen has two _______.

    A. tooths B. teeth C. teeths D.toothes

    ( )14. Here are ______ for you, Sue.

    A. potatos B. some potatoes

    C. three tomatos D. some tomato

    ( )15. Then the _____ began to eat the green _______ of young trees.

    A. deer, leafs B. deer, leaves

    C. deer, leaf D. deers, leafs

    ( )16. I met some ______ in the park and talked with them the other day.

    A. Japanese B. American

    C. Chineses D. English

    ( )17.- Excuse me, are you ______?

    - Yes, I’m from __________.

    A. Japan, Japanese B. China, Chinese

    C. England, English D.American, America

    ( )18. A group of ____are talking with two_____ over there.

    A. Frenchmen, Germans B. Frenchmen, Germen

    C.Frenchmen, German D.Frenchmanes, Germans

    ( )19. Yesterday a few _____ came to visit some____ in Shantou.

    A. German, places of interest

    B. Germans, places of interests

    C. Germans, places of interest

    D. Germen, places of interest

    ( )20. Two _______ and five _______ are studying Chinese at Beijing University.

    A. German, English B. Germans, English

    C. Germans, Englishmen D. Germen, Englishmen

    ( )21. Julie went to the ___ to buy a pair of shoes.

    A. shoes store B. shoe’s store

    C. shoe store D. shoes’ store

    ( )22. Take some ______ to school. It’s so hot and you may feel thirsty.

    A. meat B. bread C. juice D. orange

    ( )23. We see many ______ and ______ on the hill.

    A. horses; sheeps B. horse; sheep

    C. horses; sheep D. horse, sheeps

    ( )24. -Could I have something to eat?

    -Sure. Here’s some .

    A. chicken B. tomatoes C. orange D. Potato

    ( )25. There are ______students playing in the playground.

    A. a great deal of B. a large amount of

    C. a large quantity of D. a number of

    ( )26. There is _______milk and ______apples in the fridge. Let’s get some.

    A. little, a few B. little, few

    C. a little. few D. few. a little 

    ( )29. I’ve read ________ sports news about the F1 race today.

    A. two B. pieces

    C. two pieces D. two pieces of

    ( )30. My teacher gave me __________.

    A. a good advice B. some good advices

    C. some good advice D. good advices

    ( )31. Usually, young people have black _________ and old people have white _________.

    A. hairs, ones B. hair, one

    C. hair, ones D. hairs, one

    ( )32. Peter was busy with his work yesterday. He didn’t get __________.

    A. much sleep B. many sleeps

    C. more sleep D. most sleep

    ( )33. I think it is a wonderful __________.

    A. work B. information C. idea D. news

    ( )34. Have you found some ______ on the leaves?

    A. drops of water B. drops of waters

    C. drops water D. drop of waters

    ( )35. I want to buy __________.

    A. two bottles of ink

    B. two bottle of ink

    C. two bottle of inks

    D. two bottles of inks

    ( )36. How many ____ did you have for breakfast?

    A. loaves of bread B. loaves of breads

    C. loafs of bread D. loaf of bread

    ( )37. We are very happy with our __ in our studies.

    A. great progresses B. great progress

    C. many progress D. lot of progress

    ( )38. Please pass me _______. I will correct them.

    A. the test paper

    B. some pieces of test paper

    C. the test papers

    D. some piece of test paper

    ( )39. I’d like to have a glass of milk and _____.

    A. two breads

    B. two pieces of breads

    C. two pieces of bread

    D. two piece of bread

    ( )40. He bought __________.

    A. two pairs of shoes B. two pair of shoes

    C. two pairs of shoe D. two pair of shoe

    ( )41. They had __________ climbing up to the top of the hill.

    A. good time B. the good time

    C. a good time D. good times

    ( )42. She has given us __________.

    A. a great help B. many helps

    C. a large number of help D. a lot of help

    ( )43. I have to write _______, but I have ______ to write _______.

    A. a paper, no paper, on

    B. paper, no paper, with

    C. a paper, not any papers, on

    D. a paper, not a paper, on

    ( )44. This is __________ room.

    A. Tom and Mary’s B. Tom’s and Mary’s

    C. Tom’s and Mary D. Tom and Mary

    ( )45. __________ mothers couldn’t go to the meeting, because they have gone to Chengdu.

    A. Li Lei and Lucy’s B. Li Lei’s and Lucy’s

    C. Li Lei and Lucy D. Li Lei and Lucy

    ( )46. __________ came to visit us this morning.

    A. My father friend

    B. friend of my father

    C. A friend of my father’s

    D. One of my father’s friend

    ( )47. It’s only ten __________ break.

    A. minutes B. minute’s C. minutes’ D. minutes’s

    ( )48. Tom won the boys’ _______ race in our school sports meeting.

    A. 15000-metre B.15000-metres

    C.15000-metre’s D.1500 meters

    ( )49. Look at the shoes with adjustable heels. They are my __________.

    A. sister B. sister’s C. sisters’s D. sisters‘

    ( )50. You must finish the work in__________.

    A. three weeks time B. three weeks’ time

    C. three week’s time D. three-weeks time

    ( )51. Look at the shoes. They are my __________.

    A. sister B. sisters C. sisters’s D. sisters‘

    ( )52. This is __________ room. Come in, please.

    A. John and Joan of B. John and Joan’s

    C. John’s and Joan’s D. John’s and Joan

    ( )53. We sell __________ in our shop.

    A. woman and child’s clothes

    B. women and children T shirts

    C. women’s and children’s jackets

    D. woman’s and child’s coats

    ( )54. We had a good time during our ____ holiday.

    A. two weeks B. two-weeks

    C. two-week’s D. two weeks’

    ( )55. - Whose room is this? - It’s __________.

    A. Li Ming B. Li Ming’s C. Li Mings D. Li Mings’

    ( )56. I like that son of __________.

    A. John’s sister B. John sister’s

    C. John’s sister’s D. John’s sisters

    ( )57. On _________, all the children can play games all day.

    A. Children’s Day B. Childrens’ Day

    C. The Children’s Day D.children day

    ( )58. This is not my cap, but my __________.

    A. brothers B. brother’s

    C. brothers’ D. brother

    ( )59. Tom‘s car is more beautiful than__________.

    A. his brother‘s and sister

    B. his brother and sister

    C. his brothers and sisters

    D. his brother‘s and sister‘s

    ( )60. I’ll go and call at ______ right after school.

    A.the doctor B.the Smiths C.Smith D.my uncle’s

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