
while是什么意思英语怎么读 高考高频词汇总结归纳

while是什么意思英语怎么读 高考高频词汇总结归纳

1. activity [æk‘tɪvɪtɪ]

n. 活动;行动

Pollution and other activities sometimes cause the number of a species(物种)to become so small that it cannot survive. (2013.10 填词补文) 污染和其他行为有时候会造成一个物种的数量变得非常少以至于该物种不能存活下来。

2. building [‘bɪldɪŋ]

n. 建筑;建筑物

v. 建筑;建立(build 的 ing 形式)

He could only see the building of the bridge from his window.(2015.4 概括段落大意和补全句子) 他只能从窗户看到那座桥。

build [bɪld]

vt. 建立;建筑

It took up 14 years to build the bridge.(2015.4 概括段落大意和补全句子)

建造这座桥花费了 14 年时间。

3. while [waɪl]

conj. 然而

You can exercise your brain before work and while the rest of your family is still in bed. (2015.4 填句补文) 你可以在工作前锻炼你的大脑,而你家里的其他人却仍在床上。

4. health [helθ]

n. 健康

If you want to improve your mental health, you will make time for it.(2015.4 填句补文) 如果你想要精神更健康,就要为它腾出时间。

5. healthy [‘helθɪ]

adj. 健康的

Imagine a world without fruit. We wouldn‘t be very healthy.(2014.10 填句补文) 想象在一个没有水果的世界,我们就不会非常健康。

unhealthy [ʌn‘helθɪ]

adj. 不健康的

But 64% of the kids whose parents focused on their weight turned to unhealthy eating behaviors.

(2014.10 阅读选择)

但是有 64%的孩子,他们的而父母只关心他们的体重,从而导致了不健康的饮食习惯。

6. control [kən‘trəʊl]

n. 控制

vt. 控制

Ø Due to circumstances beyond our control, the fulfillment of the contract will be delayed by several weeks.(2012.10 完型填空)


Ø They say it can be difficult to control climate conditions indoors.(2013.10 阅读判断) 他们说室内条件的控制很难。

7. research [rɪ‘sɜːtʃ]

n. 研究

My students have a summer research project. (2014.10 阅读判断) 我的学生们有一个夏季研究项目。

8. scientist [‘saɪəntɪst]

n. 科学家

But scientists say the farms of the future could be built in tall buildings in some large cities. (2013.10 阅读 判断)


9. still [stɪl]

adv. 仍然

It is still a dream for people to grow crops indoors. (2013.10 阅读判断) 能在室内种植农作物还仍旧只是个梦。

10. audience [‘ɔːdɪəns]

n. 观众

The jokes are not supposed to relate to the audience but to the speaker himself. (2012.10 阅读理解)


11. campus [‘kæmpəs]

n. (大学)校园

If you want to live a rich campus life, living in a dormitory is your best choice. (2013.10 概括段落大意和补全句子) 如果你想要过一个丰富的校园生活,住在宿舍是你最好的选择。

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