
新年快乐单词用英语怎么说 常见的中国新年祝福语

新年快乐单词用英语怎么说 常见的中国新年祝福语


  1. 新年快乐Happy Chinese New Year
  2. 春节快乐Happy Spring Festival
  3. 兔年快乐Happy (the) Year of the Rabbit
  4. 恭喜发财Wish You Prosperity
  5. 大吉大利Wish You Big Fortune and Great Profit
  6. 心想事成May All Your Wishes Come True
  7. 万事如意May all go well with you
  8. 阖家欢乐Happiness for your whole family
  9. 兔年吉祥Wish You Good Luck in the Year of the Rabbit
  10. 财源广进Wish You Plenty of Money
  11. 生意兴隆Wish You a Prosperous Business
  12. 工作顺利May Your Work Goes Smoothly
  13. 事业有成Wish You Great Success in Your Career
  14. 阖家团圆Wish Your Family a Happy Reunion
  15. 幸福安康Wish You Happiness and Health
  16. 学习进步Wish you good progress in your study
  17. 学业有成Wish You Academic Success
  18. 金榜题名Wish You Success in the Examination
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