
出来英语短语怎么说 初一英语短语汇总

出来英语短语怎么说 初一英语短语汇总


1.make friends with sb.与某人交朋友

2.play football踢足球

3.play chess下象棋

4.play the piano弹钢琴

5.play computer games玩电脑游戏

6.would like to do sth.想要做某事

7.want to do sth.想做某事

8.speak English说英语

9.work as从事…(工作)

10.walk to school 走路上学

11.= go to school on foot

12.be keen on= like…very much热衷于…

13.enjoy doing…享受做…

14.in the middle在中间

15.tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于某事

16.reply to…回复

17.hear from sb.收到某人来信

18.= get a letter from sb.

19.look it up in the dictionary查字典

20.brush my teeth刷牙

21.go to school去上学

22.go to bed上床

23.watch TV看电视

24.find out 找出答案

25.be different from…与…不同

26.be similar to…类似于…

27.one of …其中之一

28.be at school在学校

29.get up起床

30.put on穿上

31.take off起飞

32.have breakfast / lunch / dinner吃早/午/晚饭

33.discuss business谈论生意

34.make phone calls to sb. = call sb.给某人打电话

35.on the way to… 在去…的路上

36.= on one’s way to…

37.fail an exam考试不及格

38.twice a week每周两次

39.collect sb. from …从…接某人

40.return to…返回到…

41.after school放学后

42.ask sb. to do sth.请某人做某事

43.have violin lessons上小提琴课

44.in an hour or two = in one or two hours 在一个小时或两个小时内

45.continue doing…继续做

46.all the time一直,始终

47.excuse me打扰了

48.stay up late熬夜

49.be in charge of…负责,管理

50.look after sb. = take care of sb.照顾某人

51.lose one’s temper生气,发脾气

52.do physical exercises进行体育锻炼

53.take a bus坐公共汽车

54.call the police报警

55.sth happen to sb.某人发生某事

56.wait for…等候

57.two women tourists两名女游客

58.begin doing…开始做…

59.hold out取出,伸出

60.show sth, to sb. = show sb. sth.给某人看某物

61.stare at…凝视,盯住

62.talk to / with sb. 跟某人交谈

63.steal sth from sb.从某人那里偷取某物

64.go after… = follow…跟随

65.hurry to…赶往…

66.pick up 捡起

67.on the other side of…在…的另一边

68.get off下(车、船等)

69.get on上(车、船等)

70.see sb. doing…看见某人正在做某事

71.turn on = switch on打开

72.turn off = switch off关上

73.deal with处理

74.a pair of …一双…

75.make it easier 使它更容易

76.at least至少

77.in ancient times在古代

78.in different ways用不同的方法

79.in the same way用相同的方法

80.in this way以这种方法

81.consist of 由…组成

82.help sb. (to) do sth帮助某人做某事

83.= help sb. with sth.

84.each of …每一个…

85.stand for代表

86.write down写下,记下

87.in a flash一瞬间,立即

88.for the first time在第一次

89.decide on ….决定

90.take place = happen发生

91.have fun = have a good time过得愉快

92.be in trouble陷入困境

93.be friendly to sb.对某人友好

94.be kind to sb.对某人友好

95.towards evening傍晚

96.land on 着陆

97.go through…穿过…

98.get out of…从..出来

99.get in进入

100.turn to / towards …转向…

101.in peace和平地,平静地

102.in pieces成为碎粉

103.trust sb. =believe sb.信任某人

104.see a film看电影

105.cook dinner做晚饭

106.next week下周

107.arrive at / in…到达

108.hard work努力工作

109.work hard努力工作

110.in the sky在空中

111.in space在太空中

112.go round = go around围绕…转

113.at a speed of…以…的速度

114.escape form…从…逃跑

115.neither … nor…既不…也不…

116.fall asleep入睡

117.at once = immediately立刻

118.wake up 醒来

119.aim at..将…对准…

120.go out熄灭

121.What’s wrong?发生了什么事?

122.= What’s the matter?

123.= What happened?

124.at that time在那时

125.look for …寻找…

126.no longer = no more不再

127.dress up装扮

128.be from… = come from…来自…

129.far away from…离…很远

130.how many…多少…

131.how much…多少…

132.how old多少岁

133.how heavy 多重

134.how soon多久

135.how far…多远…

136.how long…多长…

137.how often…多少(频繁)…

138.less than…少于…

139.not… at all一点也不

140.in the future在未来

141.thank you for…因…而多谢

142.on holiday在度假

143.all day整天

144.be afraid of对…害怕

145.be sure of确信…

146.do business with sb.和某人做生意

147.next to…= beside; near紧邻

148.look like = be like看起来像

149.start from…从…开始

150.run away逃跑

151.pay attention to…关注…

152.be able to do…能够做…

153.millions of…数以百万计

154.make suggestions给…建议

155.= give advice

156.look out小心

157.during the day在白天

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