
三年的英语怎么说 唤起甜美回忆短句赏析

三年的英语怎么说 唤起甜美回忆短句赏析

本学期即将结束了,现就八年级英语下册的短语作一个全面的总结。为了让学生复习和巩固,我就人教版八年级英语下册 Unit 10 I‘ve had the bike for three years.短语和注释认真总结了一下,可以打印供学生复习。需要word版、pdf版请关注和留言。

Unit 10 I‘ve had the bike for three years.

1. have it 75 cents 75美分买它(p.73)

2. a yard sale庭院拍卖会(p.73)

3. bring back sweet memories带来/勾起/唤起甜美回忆(p.73)

4. give sth. away to sb. 把某物捐赠给某人(p.73)

5. give away捐赠;赠送(p.73)

6. have a yard sale进行庭院拍卖会;举行家庭式的拍卖会(p.73)

7. It is hard to sell her old things.卖她的旧物品是很难的。(p.73)

8. It’s adj. ( for sb.) to do sth. (对某人来说)做某事是…的。(p.73)

9. keep her old things 保留她的旧物品(p.73)

10. more than = over超过;多于(p.73)

11. more than 10 years 10多年了(p.73)

12. not… anymore=no more不再(p.73)

13. in need of something需要……(p.73)

14. in need 有需要的(p.73)

15. how to ride a bike如何骑自行车(p.73)

16. learn how to ride a bike on it 用它学会了怎样骑自行车(p.73)

17. one’s old things 某人的旧东西(p.73)

18. over there在那边(p.73)

19. people in need急需……的人们;需要的人(p.73)

20. read it three times 看了它3遍(p.73)

21. the things at the yard sale 庭院拍卖会上的物品(p.73)

22. a bit old有点旧(p.74)

23. a bit 一点儿;稍微(p.74)

24. a couple of months几个月(p.74)

25. a lot of 许多(p.74)

26. board game棋类游戏(p.74)

27. bread maker 面包机(p.74)

28. check out查看;观察(p.74)

29. fit somebody适合于某人(p.74)

30. for three years 三年了(p.74)

31. welcome to欢迎来到 …(p.74)

32. toy bear/ lion/ tiger /monkey玩具熊/狮子/老虎/猴(p.74)

33. the stories inside里面的故事(p.74)

34. There is also a sweater and two dresses.还有一件毛衣和两件连衣裙。(p.74)

35. since I was a child自从我孩子时起(p.74)

36. since she was a baby自从她是个幼儿时(p.74)

37. not fit her anymore不再适合她(p.74)

38. one last thing最后一样东西(p.74)

39. soft toy软体玩具;布绒玩具(p.74)

40. love doing sth.喜欢做某事(p.74)

41. many children here 这里的许多孩子(p.74)

42. a train and railway set一套火车和铁路轨道的玩具(p.75)

43. as for me至于我;关于我(p.75)

44. as for至于;关于(p.75)

45. as they get bigger随着他们长大(p.75)

46. at first首先;最初(p.75)

47. be getting older变老了(p.75)

48. be more understanding多加理解(p.75)

49. be quite sad很伤心(p.75)

50. clear out a lot of things form our bedrooms从我们的卧室清理出许多东西(p.75)

51. clear out清理;丢掉(p.75)

52. decide to each sell five things that we no longer use决定每人卖出我们不再使用的5件物品(p.75)

53. do something with...处置…;处理…(p.75)

54. do with the money from the sale用从拍卖会中筹集的钱做(p.75)

55. do with... 处置;处理(p.75)

56. every night每天晚上(p.75)

57. feel sad to part with certain toys与某些玩具分别会感到悲伤(p.75)

58. for a long time很长时间(p.75)

59. for a while一会儿/一段时间(p.75)

60. give the money to a children’s home把钱捐给儿童之家(p.75)

61. give up放弃(p.75)

62. grow up fast 长得快(p.75)

63. grow up长大;成熟;成长(p.75)

64. junior high school初级中学 (p.75)

65. think about sth考虑某事(p.75)

66. to be honest 老实说,说实在的(p.75)

67. want to do sth.想要做某事(p.75)

68. train and railway set火车和铁轨玩具(p.75)

69. want to sell some of our things想卖掉我们的一些东西(p.75)

70. We’re certain of success. 我们有把握成功。(p.75)

71. decide to do sth.决定做某事(p.75)

72. I’m not certain where he lives. 我不敢肯定他住在哪儿。(p.75)

73. no longer = not…any longer不再(p.75)

74. part with放弃、交出(尤指不舍得的东西)(p.75)

75. play for a while 玩一会儿(p.75)

76. play with it every week每周和它玩(p.75)

77. restaurant down the street这条街上的饭店(p.77)

78. seem to get smaller…好像变得更小(p.75)

79. since his fourth birthday从他四岁生日起(p.75)

80. slept next to the monkey挨着猴(玩具)睡(p.75)

81. lose his toy monkey丢了他的玩具猴子(p.75)

82. their last meal他们的最后一餐(p.76)

83. hope to do something希望做……(p.76)

84. water park水上公园(p.76)

85. have a dog=keep a dog养狗(p.76)

86. be back to hometown返乡(p.76)

87. have been in 地点名词 在某地待了多久(p.76)

88. last year去年(p.76)

89. miss their hometown a lot很思念他们的故乡(p.76)

90. next month下个月(p.76)

91. next year明年(p.76)

92. one of the oldest buildings最古老的建筑之一(p.76)

93. one of the 形容词最高级 可数名词复数 最......的......之一(p.76)

94. ten hours ago十小时前(p.76)

95. that bike over there那边那辆自行车(p.76)

96. move to the US搬到美国(p.76)

97. last November / August去年11月/8月(p.76)

98. on weekends在周末(p.77)

99. a big old tree opposite the school=a big old tree across from the school学校对面的一棵大古树(p.78)

100. a symbol of ……的象征(p.78)

101. a symbol of the place这个地方的象征(p.78)

102. according to Zhong Wei = in Zhong Wei’s opinion依钟伟看来(p.78)

103. according to依据;按照(p.78)

104. consider…as… = regard…as…把…看成…(p.78)

105. at least至少(p.78)

106. feel shame at…因……感到羞愧(p.78)

107. for the past13 years = for the last13 years过去的13年(p.78)

108. in my time在我那个年代;我的时代(p.78)

109. hometown feelings故乡情(p.78)

110. in shame羞愧的(p.78)

111. have no shame 无羞耻心(p.78)

112. leave memories in one’s heart 在某人心中留下印象(p.78)

113. millions of数以百万计的;数百万的(p.78)

114. once or twice a year= one or two times a year一年一两次(p.78)

115. regard with great interest以极大的兴趣关注着(p.78)

116. stay the same保持不变,保持相同的样子(p.78)

117. such a happy childhood如此幸福的童年(p.78)

118. the mid-20th century二十世纪中期(p.78)

119. with shame 羞愧的(p.78)

120. used to do sth.过去常常做某事(p.78)

121. to one’s shame 令某人感到羞耻的是(p.78)

122. return sth. to sb. / return sb. Sth. 把某物归还给某人(p.78)

123. search for work 找工作(p.78)

124. search for…=look for…寻找(p.78)

125. across from ... = opposite 在......对面(p.79)

126. close to几乎;接近(p.79)

127. for example例如(p.79)

128. in one’s opinion依某人的观点(p.79)

129. in order to do sth.为了做……(p.79)

130. in order to为了(p.79)

131. these days = nowadays目前;现在(p.79)

132. need to do sth.需要做某事(p.79)

133. how long多久;多长时间(p.79)

134. the place that holds all his childhood memories承载着他所有童年记忆的地方(p.79)

135. move to sp.搬往某地(p.80)

136. so far迄今;到现在为止(p.80)

137. hope to do sth.希望做某事

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