
简简单单英文怎么说 保持简单快乐的短句收藏

简简单单英文怎么说 保持简单快乐的短句收藏

As Long as You Are Willing to Work Hard, the Years Will Give You What You Want !


Never blame others for not helping you, and never blame others for not caring for you. In the world, we are all individuals, you have to bear the pain and suffering yourself.


No one can really understand you, the stone did not fall on his foot, he could never know how painful it was.

人生路上,我们都是孤独的行者,如人饮水, 冷暖自知,真正能帮你的,永远只有你自己。

On the road of life, we are all lonely walkers, he who drank it knows whether the water was cold or warm, the only person who can really help you is yourself.


Why does a person need to work hard? For a long career, for a pair of overworked parents, for a pure feeling, also for a better self.


Although the future is always unknown, as long as you are willing to work hard, the years will give you what you want.


If you have a dream, realize it silently. If you have someone you love, try to make her happy. There‘s no need to tell the world.


In daily life, you should no longer get angry about a little thing, or feel aggrieved for some people.


Make yourself clean and pretty, and take life in stride. Be peaceful and simple, and do something that can make you happy.


Don‘t lose hope for life, smile to difficulties as well as tribulations, and have a dream, even if it is far away.

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