
冰上项目的英文有哪些 花样滑冰怎么读小知识介绍

冰上项目的英文有哪些 花样滑冰怎么读小知识介绍

Figure Skating/ˈfɪɡə(r) ˈskeɪtɪŋ/


Figure skating has developed from a practical way to get around on ice into the elegant mix of art and sport.


The Dutch were arguably the earliest pioneers of skating. They began using canals to maintain communication by skating from village to village as far back as the 13th century. Skating eventually spread across the channel to England, and soon the first clubs and artificial rinks began to form. Passionate skaters included several kings of England, Marie Antoinette, Napoleon III and German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.


Two Americans are responsible for the major developments in the history of the sport. In 1850, Edward Bushnell of Philadelphia revolutionised skating when he introduced steel-bladed skates allowing complex manoeuvres and turns. Jackson Haines, a ballet master living in Vienna in the 1860s, added elements of ballet and dance to give the sport its grace.

有两位美国人影响了这项运动的巨大发展。1850年,费城的爱德华·布什内尔(Edward Bushnell)发明了钢刃溜冰鞋,可以完成复杂的动作和转弯,从而彻底改变了滑冰运动。19世纪60年代居住在维也纳的芭蕾舞大师杰克逊海恩斯(Jackson Haines)加入了芭蕾舞和舞蹈的元素,赋予这项运动优雅的气质。

Figure skating is the oldest sport on the Olympic Winter Games programme. It was contested at the 1908 London Games and again in 1920 in Antwerp. Men’s, women’s, and pairs were the three events contested until 1972. Since 1976, ice dancing has been the fourth event in the programme, proving a great success.



  • Men‘s Single Skating
  • 男子单人滑

  • Women(女子项目)

  • 女子单人滑

  • Mixed Events(混合项目)

  • Pair Skating(双人滑)
  • Ice Dance(冰上舞蹈)
  • Team Event(团体赛)
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