
中国节日英语表达怎么说 用英文描述传统节日表达方法

中国节日英语表达怎么说 用英文描述传统节日表达方法

Children may be familiar with western holidays such as Christmas and Halloween these days, but how about our Chinese traditional festivals and customs? This time, let‘s learn something about them!


一、春节(Spring Festival)

Spring Festival又可以被称为The Chinese New Year 或者 Lunar New Year,这可是我们中国人最重要的节日。It is a time to reflect on the passing year and celebrate the future.

春节重要的习俗包括(The important customs includes):

团年饭 family reunion dinner

守 岁 stay up late or all night on New Year’s eve

红 包 lucky money

逛庙会 visit temple fair

贴春联 paste/post New Year scrolls

拜 年 pay a New Year call

放鞭炮 set off firecrackers and fireworks

当然,春节到来之前,我们还会打扫房间(cleaning the house), getting a new haircut(做个新发型),除夕夜(The Chinese New Year’s Eve),全家会一起包饺子还有一起包饺子(making dumplings)、新年里大家会穿新衣服(wearing new clothes)。总之,这是一个非常欢乐的节日!

二、元宵节(Lantern Festival)

严格来说,元宵节也属于春节,是春节的最后一天,正月十五(the fifteenth day of the first month of Lunar Year)。


花 灯 festival lantern

猜灯谜 solve/guess lantern riddles

元 宵 sweet dumplings/ glue puddi

舞龙舞狮 the dragon/lion dance

三、清明节(Tomb-sweeping Day)

清明既是一个节日,也是一个节气(traditional Chinese solar tems)。从农业上来讲,清明是春耕春播的重要时节(It is the crucial time for plowing and sowing in the spring);从文化上来讲,清明节是我们扫墓(tomb sweeping)和祭祀祖先和逝去亲人(worship ancestors and deceased families)的日子。


扫墓 tomb-sweeping

春游 spring outing

四、端午节(Dragon-Boat Festival)

端午节是为了纪念战国时期(the Warring States period)伟大的爱国者和诗人屈原的节日。


赛龙舟 dragon boat race

粽 子 rice dumplings

饮雄黄酒 drink realgar wine

佩戴香囊 wear a sachet

五、中秋节(Mid-Autumn Day)

中秋节是家人团聚赏月的日子( It is a time for family members and loved ones to congregate and enjoy the full moon),是中国人非常重视的传统节日。


吃月饼 eat moon cakes

赏月 enjoy the full moon

六、重阳节(Double- Ninth Day)

重阳节在中国又被称为老人节(Seniors‘ Day),在古代,人们庆祝重阳节主要是为了驱灾辟邪。


登高 mountain climbing

赏菊花 enjoy chrysanthemum

佩戴茱萸 wear dogwood

尊敬老人 respect the seniors

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