
还款英语单词怎么写 花费英文词汇正确表达及读音

还款英语单词怎么写 花费英文词汇正确表达及读音

Spend-spent-spent vt.花费/度过/用

Sb spent some time/ money( in )doing sth.

Sb spent some time/money on sth

Eg. I spent 5 years in studying English.

I spent 2 hours on my homework.

This is the most wonderful summer holiday (that I have ever spent.)

Pay-paid-paid pay (sb)money for sth 为----而付钱

Pay for sb 为/替某人而付钱

Pay sb 付钱给某人

Pay money back 还钱

Take-took-takenit takes/took sb some time/money to do sth.花某人时间金钱做什么

It took me four years to study French.

Cost-cost-cost sth cost sb some money

(不用于被动) The house cost me a lot of money.

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