
更经常英语怎么说 中考重要短语和知识点归纳

更经常英语怎么说 中考重要短语和知识点归纳

九年级 Unit 9 It‘s important to have a healthy lifestyle. 知识清单


1.talk over商量,讨论2.behavior行为,举止3.get through度过,通过,做完4.cola可乐饮料5.nap小睡,打盹6.concentrate专心于7.effect效果,作用,影响8.regular有规律的9.amount数量,数额10.average平均的11.figure数字


Section A

1. help out

2. talk with sb.

3. not to do 不定式的否定形式在它前面加not

4. 花费(时间):spend time with sb. spend time doing … spend time on sth.

It takes sb. st. to do sth.

花费(金钱):人spend money on sth.

人 pay money for sth.

物cost 人money

5. talk …over with sb.

6. Ving 作主语,谓语动词用单数。

7. stay healthy/keep healthy/be healthy

8. behave v. behavior n.

9. health n. healthy adj. healthily adv.

10. too…to do

11. make one‘s own decision

12. tell sb. not to do

13. in order to do in order that

14. be better to do

15. share sth. with sb.

16. thoughts n.想法

17. fill …with…

18. look after =take care of

19. depend on 依靠依赖取决于

20. simple adj. 简单的 simply adv. 仅仅,简单地

21. get through

22. with the help of =with one‘s help

23. be good for be bad for be good at

24. on the one hand on the other hand

25. prefer sth

26. a little too much 有点太多

27. would rather do than do=prefer to do rather than do

28. hardly ever

29. lose weight 减肥

30. work out 解决,算出

Section B

1.more often更经常



4.It is adj. to do. It‘s important to get enough sleep.

5.很明显It‘s clear that….

6.对…有影响have effects on…..

7.serious adj.严肃的 seriously adv.

8.able adj. ----ability n.

9.做某事有问题have problems doing/have trouble doing

….有问题have problems with


11.concentrate v.专心于 concentrate on concentration n.注意力

12.nervous紧张的 stressed expect专家

13.一直做某事keep doing

14.sleeping habits睡眠习惯

15.regular 有规律的 regularly adv.

16.the amount of….的数量 an amount of大量,一些

17.与…不同be different from

18.人与人不同different from person to person


put get sit shop stop run begin swim prefer shut drop

20.write down写下

21.生某人的气be angry with sb.

22.at the moment目前,现在

23.让某人做某事let sb. do make sb. do ask sb. to do

24.health n.健康 Tom‘s health

healthy adj.健康的 be healthy/keep healthy/stay healthy/be healthy

healthily adv.健康地 eat healthily


Section A

1. 有一个好习惯很重要。

It‘s important to have a good habits。


It‘s important for kids not eat junk food.

1. 锻炼身体帮助青少年保持健康。

Exercising helps teenagers to stay /keep healthy.


Not getting enough sleep has serious effects on our brain‘s ability to work.

1. 为了健康,青少年需要足够的睡眠。

In order to be healthy, teenagers need to get enough sleep.

1. 我确实因该学会照顾自己当父母不在身边时.

We really should learn how to look after ourselves when our parents aren‘t with us.

1. 改变坏习惯永远不会晚.

It is never too late to change bad habits.

Section B

1. 对我来说最重要的是吃更健康的食物。

The most important thing for me is eating healthier food.

1. 有锻炼的越多, 你就会越健康。

The more you exercise, the healthier you‘ll become.

1. 我们睡得越少, 在日常生活中我们表现的就越差。

The less we sleep , the worse we perform in everyday life.

1. 她太小而不能自己做决定。

She is too young to make her own decisions.

1. 他你愿喝咖啡也不愿喝水。

He would rather drink coffee than drink water.

4、 语法 :动词不定式的用法

动词不定式在英语句子中为非谓语动词的一种形式,即to do,也就是to 动词原形,没有人称和数的变化。其否定形式直接在前面 not,即not to do。实际上动词原形也可以称之为省略to的动词不定式。主要有以下用法:

1.动词不定式作主语。作主语时一般由形式主语来代替动词不定式,目的是防止在句中"头重脚轻"。 例如:It is difficult for us to learn English well.

2. 动词不定式作宾语。作宾语时跟在及物动词之后。

例如:want to do.

plan to do.

need to do.

hope to do.

refuse to do.

like to do.

love to do.

forget to do.

remember to do. etc.

3. 动词不定式作宾语补足语。

例如:want sb to do.

ask sb to do.

tell sb to do.

teach sb to do.

allow sb to do.

encourage sb to do. etc.

4. 动词不定式作目的状语。例如:To get to school, they went on a ropeway.

5. 动词不定式作定语。不定式在句中作定语,放在被修饰的名词或代词之后。 例如:I want something to eat.

6. 动词不定式作表语。不定式作表语表示具体动作或将来动作。

例如:My job is to look after the little children.

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