
催单英语正确表达是什么 商务英文写作常用表达

催单英语正确表达是什么 商务英文写作常用表达

5.Sorry, I don‘t want to sound pushy. But please you‘ll have to decide soon as the material is undergoing major fluctuations. 抱歉,我不想催你。但是请及早决定。因为材料价格不稳定,浮动很大。


①push sb. 催促某人。pushy是形容词,一意孤行的。而在这里与sound连用,表达的是意思同I don‘t want to urge you一样。但比urge you口语化。

②be undergoing.. 正经历着... undergo 承受,经历,过去时是underwent

③ major fluctuation 大波动

价格波动 fluctuation of price

6. Though we have tried hard to keep our quotations down, we are afraid the margin for keeping on going like this will not long. 尽管我方尽量控制报价不变,但是有效期不会保留太久。

催促客户尽快下单用语,try hard 和be afraid 都是委婉表达

①keep..down 控制

②keep on doing sth.. 保持做某事,保持某个状态

7. Busy production season is approaching, please help update the progress so we can proceed. 生产旺季很快到了,请更新下进程,我们才能进展。


① busy production season 生产旺季

② be approaching 临近,降至

③update the progress 更新进展,更新进程

8. As the price of raw materials is going up recently, we’d advise you to place your order without delay. 因为最近原材料价格一直上涨,我们想建议您尽快下单为好。


①as 引导的原因状语从句,也可以用because或since来引导,表示因为

②price of raw materials 原材料价格

③go up=rise 上涨,上升

④we‘d=we would 我们想要,委婉的口气(不会很逼迫)

⑤advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事

⑥without delay 及时,尽快

9. In order to make sure all the goods can be delivered as scheduled, can you please help send the final confirmation of the order by this week?

It will help us to plan the production properly, thanks for your understanding. 为了确保所有货物能如期出运,可否这周内确认订单,我们也能妥善规划,多谢理解。

①as scheduled 如期

②plan the production properly 妥善规划生产

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