
教育英文怎么表达 再就业培训的英语单词怎么写

教育英文怎么表达 再就业培训的英语单词怎么写


In an age when television is a vital entertainment medium, more and more people are using it as a study aid.


In Britain, the Open University, founded in 1969, encourages home-based students to study for Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees using a combination of television and radio programs and correspondence work, where students send in assignments to their tutors and have them returned after assessment.


The Open University has no formal entrance requirements for its students and is designed particularly for people who have missed out on a formal tertiary education because of lack of money or opportunity in the past. The system works very well in Britain;similar programs operate in many other countries.


Educational television programs may include marketing, and business managemen. Business programs are very popular around the world. An increasing number of people in management and marketing are studying for business diplomas and choose the television open learning system as an alternative form of study.


In Australia and New Zealand, the TV "open learning" Chinese program is also popular. Lessons involve a half-hour program on television on followed up at least 10 hours of study each week. The course is equivalent to a quarter of a year‘s full-time study; students get a huge resource pack which includes text and work books, audio tapes and a wide range of other materials. This method of study is very challenging and to be successful students need to be motivated.

职业教育:Vocational education

素质教育:Quality-oriented education

在职培训:On-the- job training

再就业培训:Reemployment training

高考:The entrance exams for regular colleges and universities

应试教育:Examination-driven education




远程教育:Distance learning

勤工俭学:Work-for-study program

民办大学:Non- government -run colleges and universities

九年制义务教育:The nine- year compulsory education

初等教育:Primary education

中等教育:Secondary education

高等教育:Higher education

成人教育:Adult education

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