
英语面试情景对话推荐 面试官与面试者的英语话术参考

英语面试情景对话推荐 面试官与面试者的英语话术参考

Looking for a job 寻找工作

B: Hey, dude, how have you been?

A: I’m busy with job-hunting. Are there any openings in your company?

B: Yeah, our company is currently hiring. Are you interested in any particular position?

A: I’m looking for something in marketing.

B: The marketing manager position is available. You can apply for that. That’s a good job.

A: Are there any requirements?

B: Do you have any marketing experience?

A: Not really. I’m not a rookie, but not that experienced.

B: Anyway, you can send your resume to our company first.

B: 喂,姐们,最近怎么样?

A: 我最近在忙着找工作的事呢。你公司有空职位吗?

B: 是的,我们公司现在在找人,你对什么职位感兴趣呢?

A: 我想找市场方面的

B: 市场经理的位置正空着呢,你可以申请一下。 那可是一份好工作。

A: 有什么要求吗?

B: 你有什么市场方面的经验吗?

A: 没有,我算不上菜鸟,但也没有那么熟。

B: 不管怎样, 你可以先发送你的简历到我们公司。

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