
健康作息的建议英语作文 呼吁良好作息倡议书

健康作息的建议英语作文 呼吁良好作息倡议书


if a person can go to bed early and get up early and work regularly, his body and mood will be healthier.


The world is driven by early to bed and early to rise people, and early morning porridge is always better than late night wine.




Life is a marathon. You need to fight for health. Don‘t leave because you don‘t know how to take care of your body. Early to bed and early to rise, regular work and rest and regular exercise are the most advanced health preservation of a person.

Some people say that only those who can control the morning can control life. Early to bed and early to rise will really change our state and life. This self-discipline and the consequent state of health are the cornerstone of our success.

The process of exercise is also the process of cultivating the heart. In the seemingly boring repetition, you can develop good habits and overcome your weaknesses.

早睡早起会使人健康、富有和聪明。Early to bed and early to rise , makes a man healthy , wealthy and wise.

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