
多种的英语怎么表达 各种各样的英文怎么说

多种的英语怎么表达 各种各样的英文怎么说

Word of the Day : November 7, 2020







: having or occurring in great variety : diverse



"The word ‘fate,‘ of course, did not help me, being inadequate to describe the sense of a multifarious, infinitely complex, dreamy yet purposeful universe which I had in mind—being altogether too singular a word…." — Fay Weldon, The Cloning of Joanna May, 1989

当然,‘命运‘一词并没有帮助我,不足以描述我所想到的一个变化多端的,无限复杂的,梦幻的但却有存在意义宇宙的感觉——being altogether too singular a word……

"Just Pictures speaks to the multifarious nature of imagery today, a quality that predates the internet and social media but is no doubt enhanced by them. At its core, the exhibition expresses the way in which photographs at once carry all kinds of meanings that we project onto them, and no one meaning at all." — Megan Williams, Creative Review, 25 Sept. 2020

Just Pictures谈到了今日自然图像的多样性,这种质量早于互联网和社交媒体,但无疑会得到增强。展览的核心是表达图片承载着各种意义的方式。投射到他们身上,没有任何意义。

Did You Know?

Before the late 16th-century appearance of multifarious, there was another word similar in form and meaning being used: multifary, meaning "in many ways," appeared—and disappeared—in the 15th century. Before either of the English words existed, there was the Medieval Latin word multifarius, from Latin multifariam, meaning "in many places" or "on many sides." Multi-, as you may know, is a combining form meaning "many." A relative of multifarious in English is omnifarious ("of all varieties, forms, or kinds"), created with omni- ("all") rather than multi-.

在16世纪末期出现多语言之前,使用了另一个在形式和含义上相似的词:multifary,意思是“ in many ways「在许多方面」”在15世纪出现,然后消失了。 在任何一个英语单词出现之前,都有一个中世纪的拉丁单词 multifarius,来自拉丁文 multifariam,意思是“in many places「在许多地方」”或“on many sides「在许多方面」”。 您可能知道,Multi-是一种组合形式,意思是“many「许多」”。 英语中 multifarious 的亲戚是 omnifarious(“所有变体,形式或种类”),它是用 created 加 omni- (“all「所有」”)而不是用multi-的形式。

Name That Synonym

Fill in the blanks to complete a synonym of multifarious: _ _ n _ f _ _ d.

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