
色素英语怎么说 考点例句参考建议收藏

色素英语怎么说 考点例句参考建议收藏

pigment 英 [ˈpɪɡmənt] 美 [ˈpɪɡmənt]n. [物][生化] 色素;颜料 vt. 给…着色 vi. 呈现颜色

考点1:n.颜料: a substance that imparts black or white or a color to other materials

■e.g.n.atural red pigment 天然红色染料

■同: colorant, dye, stain

考点2:vt.给…上颜色: to color with or as if with pigment

■e.g.pigmented silk染过色的丝绸

■同: paint, stain, tincture, tinge, tint

■反: blanch 漂白;decolorize脱色

plumb 英 [plʌm] 美 [plʌm]vt. 使垂直;探测,探索 n. 垂直;铅锤 adv. 恰恰,正;垂直地 vi. 当管子工 adj. 垂直的

考点1:vt.测深度: to measure the depth of (as a body of water) typically with a weighted line

■e.g.We will plumb the bay to make sure it was deep enough for the huge vessel.为了确证水深足够容乡内这 艘巨轮,我们将会测量海湾的深度。questions that plumb the depths of stupidity 测量智商下限的问题

■同: fathom

考点2:adj.垂直的: exactly vertical

■同: perpendicular, upright, vertical

■反: horizontal水平的

考点3:adj.完全的,绝对的: having no exceptions or restrictions

■派: Such a movie is plumb trash and further evidence of the deterioration of popular culture. 这样的电影就是彻头彻尾的垃圾,它进一步证明了大众文化的堕落和腐化。

■同: absolute, categorical, complete, consummate, definite, pure, sheer, thorough, utter, very

■反: doubtful, dubious, equivocal, questionable, uncertain 不确定的;qualified 有条件的

考点4:v.仔细深入地检查: to examine closely or deeply

■e.g.plumbing the book‘s complexities 审阅这本书的复杂度

■同: explore, delve, inquire, investigate, probe

meager 美 [ˈmiːɡər] adj. 贫乏的;瘦的 n. 兆

考点1:adj.贫乏的: deficient in quantity, fullness, or extent; scanty

■e.g.meager cultural resources 贫乏的文化资源

■同: exiguous, niggardly, poor, scanty, scarce, skimpy, slender, slim, sparing, sparse, stingy

■反: abundant, ample, bountiful, copious, generous, liberal, plenteous, plentiful 大量的,富足的

bluster 英 [ˈblʌstər] 美 [ˈblʌstər]v. 咆哮,气势汹汹地说(但效果不大);(风暴)呼啸;(雨)倾泻 n. 气势汹汹的话

考点1:v.狂妄自大地大声说: to speak in a loudly arrogant or bullying manner

■e.g.He was blustering alone in the meeting, which triggered wide dissatisfaction他一人在会议上夸夸其谈,引得众人不满。

■同: roar, clamor, bluster, rattle

■反: whisper 小声嘀咕

考点2:n.大声吹嘘或恐吓: loudly boastful or threatening speech

■同: grandiloquence, braggadocio

考点3:n.喧闹的状态: a state of noisy, confused activity

■e.g.a mayor who got things done without a lot of bluster 一个能把事情低调解决的市长

■同: disturbance, pandemonium, tumult, turmoil

■派: blustering adj大吵大闹的

protuberant 英 [prəˈtjuːbərənt] 美 [proʊˈtuːbərənt]adj. 突起的;招人注意的;显著的

考点1:adj.隆起的,凸出的: thrusting out from a surrounding or adjacent surface often as a rounded mass

■e.g.protuberant eyes 暴鱼眼

■反: depressed 下陷的

■派: protuberance 隆起

■反: concavity 凹陷

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