
初中英语句型变换 记住五种类型的句子汇总

初中英语句型变换 记住五种类型的句子汇总


一、 记住五种类型的句子,(这五种类型的句子只针对句型变换知识点)

1、 含有be动词的句子,amisare, waswere

2、 含有情态动词的句子,cancould, maymight, shallshould, willwould, must, need, 等等

3、 含有完成时态的句子,havehashad 过去分词

4、 含有其它动词的句子,只要不包括上面三类的都归入这一类,单独的havehashad作动词时也归入这一类。

5、 祈使句




二、 变否定句


1、 含有be动词的句子,amisare, waswere 在be动词后加否定词not.

You are a teacher. - You are not a teacher. - You aren’ta teacher. (能缩写的尽量缩写。)

The dog is nice to man. - The dog is not nice to man. - The dog isn’tnice to man.

I am at home now. - I am not at home now. - I’mnot at home now. (am not 不能缩写)

2、 含有情态动词的句子,cancould, maymight, shallshould, willwould, must, need, 等等


I can speak English well. - I can’tspeak English well.

The children will go to school on weekends. - The children won’tgo to school on weekends.

We need fix our car right now. - We needn’tfix our car right now.

You may come here by bus. - You may notcome here by bus. (may not 不能缩写)

3、 含有完成时态的句子,havehashad 过去分词

含有完成时态的句子,在havehashad 后面加否定词not, 能缩写要缩写。

I have finished my homework. - I haven’tfinished my homework.

Bill has been to Beijing many times. - Bill hasn’tbeen to Beijing many times.

4、 其它动词的句子,只要不包括上面三类的都归入这一类。 其它动词的句子,在主语后面、动词前面加don’t doesn’t didn’t ,这需要我们进行判断。

1) 如果动词是过去式的句子,则加didn’t, 过去式还原。

They boughta motorbike last week. - They didn’t buya motorbike last week.

We hada good rest last week. - We didn’t havea good rest last week.

2) 如果是一般现在时第三人称单数的句子,则加doesn’t, 有s的动词还原。

She getsup at six every day. - She doesn’t getup at six every day.

The little boy hassomebread for breakfast every day. - The little boy doesn’t haveany bread for breakfast every day.

3) 上面两种都不是,则用don’t 。

The boys often play basketball after school. - The boys don’toften play basketball after school.

5、 祈使句 祈使句在句首加don’t.

Run to school! - Don’trun to school.


变一般疑问句时,注意some 改为any, 一、二人称互换。

1、 含有be动词的句子,amisare, waswere 把be动词提前

I’m a teacher. - Are youa teacher ?

This is a sofa. - Is thisa sofa ?

They are ducks. - Are theyducks ?

2、 含有情态动词的句子,cancould, maymight, shallshould, willwould, must, need, 等等 把情态动词提前

I can have some bread and milk for breakfast. - Can youhave any bread and milk for breakfast ?

3、 含有完成时态的句子,havehashad 过去分词 把havehashad 提前

I have had some rice and meat for lunch. - Have you hadany rice and meat for lunch?

4、 其它动词的句子,只要不包括上面三类的都归入这一类。 在句首加dodoesdid 判断方法同上。

He likes to read novels. - Does he liketo read novels ?

Tom taught himself English yesterday. - Did Tom teachhimself English yesterday ?

Our teachers go to school on foot every day. - Do your teachersgo to school on foot every day ?



1、 The museum closes at 18:00. (判断出是第四种类型的句子)

- Does the museum close at 18:00? (判断用what time 特殊疑问词)

- What timedoes the museum close ? (把特殊疑问词放在句首)

2、 It is 18:00now. (判断出是第一种类型的句子)

- Is it 18:00now ? (判断用what time 特殊疑问词)

- What timeis it now ? (把特殊疑问词放在句首)

3、 There are 45students in our class. (判断出是第一种类型的句子)

- Are there 45students in your class? (判断用how many 特殊疑问词)

- How many studentsare there in your class? (把特殊疑问词 划线部分修饰的名词一起放在句首)

4、 The film has been on for 10 minutes. (判断出是第三种类型的句子)

- Has the film been on for 10 minutes? (判断用how long 特殊疑问词)

- How longhas the film been on ? (把特殊疑问词放在句首)

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