
跨文化交际英语有哪些 常用词汇写对建议收藏

跨文化交际英语有哪些 常用词汇写对建议收藏

晨背第3天 人际关系(三) 跨文化沟通



1.touch vt. 触摸

2.contact n. 接触

3.introduce vt. 介绍

4.reject v. 拒绝

5.cheek n. 面颊

6.smile vi. & n. 微笑

7.cry vi. 哭泣

8.nod v. 点头

9.laugh v. & n. 笑;发出笑声

10.function n. 作用;功能;职能

vi. 起作用;运转

11.represent vt. 代表;象征

12.hug vi. & vt. 拥抱

13.impact n. 影响

14.secret n. 秘密

15.mainly adj. 主要的


1.angry adj. 生气的,愤怒的

anger n. 生气

2.face n. 脸

facial adj. 面部的

3.defend vt. 保护;保卫

defence n. 防御;保卫

4.misunderstand vt. 误解;误会

misunderstanding n. 误解;误会

5.spoken adj. 口语的

unspoken adj. (反义词)未说出口的;非口语的

6.greet vi. & vt. 迎接;问候

greeting n. 问候;招呼

7.associate vt. 把……联系起来

association n. 社团;联系;联想

8.diverse adj. 不同的;多种多样的;形形色色的

diversity n. 多样性

9.particular adj. 特殊的;个别的

particularly adv. 特别地;尤其地

10.mislead vt. 误导

misleading adj. 误导人的


1.yawn vi. 打呵欠

2.fist n. 拳头

3.unnecessarily adv. 不必要的

4.understandable adj. 可以理解的

5.tolerate vt. 容忍,忍受

6.unnoticed adj. 被忽视的

7.aspect n. 方面

8.document n. 文件;文档

9.fundamental adj. 根本的


1.absence of communication 缺乏交流

2.adapt/adjust/get used to... 适应……

3.connect with 与……联系

4.diverse culture 多元文化

5.cultural conflict 文化冲突

6.cultural shock 文化冲击

7.exchange students 交换生

8.exchange/share ideas 交换/分享观点

9.experience diverse cultures 体验多元文化

10.feed one‘s mind 充实大脑

11.have a misunderstanding of 误解……

12.be viewed as 被看作

13.in other ways 用其他方法

14.across cultures 跨文化

15.on the contrary 与……相反


1.[2021·河北衡水中学模拟]Knowing that you show interest in Chinese culture,I am glad to sharea piece of good news withyou,which is related to a Chinese speech contest designed for exchange studentsin our city. 了解到你对中国文化感兴趣,我很高兴跟你分享一个好消息。这是一场为我市交换生举办的汉语演讲比赛。

2.When getting along with your foreign friends, mind your mannersand remain modest and honest.


3.I participated in the Cultural Exchange Week, during which I enjoyed myself in your country.


4.[2021·河北衡水中学模拟]Not only will you learn more about Chinaand its culture from the contest,but you can make your life more interesting and colorful.







Dear Terry,

I‘m honored to know that you‘ve decided to have a taste of the Lantern Festival in my city. I‘m also more than pleased ①________________________(提前为您预定旅馆). But I need some details of your travel.

Firstly, when will your flight arrive at the airport?②________________________(如果那时我有时间,我会去接你). Besides, prices of a hotel room range from RMB 399 to 999, so which kind of rooms do you prefer? And more importantly, how many rooms do you exactly need?Only if I figure out all of the questions ③________________________(我才能为您预订).

Please give me more detailed information about your schedule. Looking forward to your early coming.


Li Hua


①to reserve a hotel for you in advance

②If I‘m available then, I will pick you up

③can I make reservations for you

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