
旁听英语怎么表达 硕士入学考试常考的表达方式

旁听英语怎么表达 硕士入学考试常考的表达方式


1.将A, B和C并列起来 Juxtapose A, B and C

2.关乎未来 Have a bearing on the future


4.These concept-first people are using XXX and XXX to make a difference.

5.绞尽脑汁 Rack their brains

6.醒悟过来 Come to one’s senses

7.纷纷效仿 Follow suit

8.联手 Team up with

9.对XXX的专注 Preoccupation with XXX

10.提升后的意识 Heightened awareness

11.轻便展架 Lightweight display rack

12.在XXX支持下 Under the auspices of XXX

13.名人崇拜 The cult of celebrities

14.浓淡不均匀、模糊不清以及色彩错位 Uneven color intensity, fuzziness, and color misalignment

15.戏中戏 Play within a play

16.一夜爆火 Go viral overnight

17.一家公司成立的地点A country where a corporation is incorporated

18.管理层总部,管理层所在地 The seat of its management

19.一个从事外太空活动的国家 A spacefaring state

20.即兴写的,临时添加的,一时想起就加上 On the spur of the moment

21.骗婚 Coax sb. into a marriage

22.这是个颠沛流离、身如浮萍的时代。 This is a time of displacement and floating.

23.上海租界 Shanghai Concession

24.大部分作者所做的工作仅仅止步于将XXX的样貌呈现给读者 Most authors have done little more than present a picture of XXX to readers.

25.从头到尾读一本书 read a book from cover to cover

26.把主题从A缩小到B Narrow down a topic from A to B

27.自行研发的航空器避碰系统 Self-developed aircraft collision avoidance system

28.同理,同样的 By the same token

29.强迫症 Obsessive-compulsive disorder

30.旁听 Sit in on

31.限量供应 Rationed

32.从事拖网作业的渔船 A fishing vessel engaged in trawling operations

33.引起轩然大波 Cause an uproar

34.义务人 obligor

35.离职证明 Employment Separation Certificate

36.越来越激动 Mounting excitement

37.渴求 Crave

38.大学校队 Varsity

39.上篮 Lay up/shoot a layup

40.篮球禁区 Free-throw lane

41.球权 Possession of the ball

42.进攻 offend

43.一己之力 Single-handedly

44.好事的,爱打听闲事的 Nosy

45.她享受人们的注目,不吝啬散发魅力 She enjoyed being in the limelight and exuding her charm ungrudgingly.

46.河流最后注入海洋 a river empties into the sea

47.挥霍 Splurge

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