
纽带英语单词怎么写 短语汇总及精美例句参考

纽带英语单词怎么写 短语汇总及精美例句参考


bridge英 [brɪdʒ] 美 [brɪdʒ]

n. 桥;桥梁,纽带;船桥,舰桥;鼻梁,鼻梁架;琴马;(固定的)假牙,齿桥;(连接两地的)狭窄地带;过渡乐节,间奏;球杆的凹口支架;桥牌

v. 弥合(分歧),消除(隔阂);兼具……的特点;在……上架桥,横跨

【名】 (Bridge)(英)布里奇(人名)

[ 复数 bridges 第三人称单数 bridges 现在分词 bridging 过去式 bridged 过去分词 bridged ]


Brooklyn Bridge 布鲁克林大桥 ; 布鲁克林桥 ;

Waterloo Bridge 魂断蓝桥 ; 滑铁卢大桥

Bridge to Terabithia 寻找仙境之桥 ; 仙境之桥 ; 通往泰瑞比西亚的桥 ; 通往特雷比西亚的桥


bridge /brɪdʒ/ CET4 TEM4 ( bridging, bridged, bridges )

1. N-COUNT A bridge is a structure that is built over a railway, river, or road so that people or vehicles can cross from one side to the other. 桥

例:He walked back over the railway bridge.


2. N-COUNT A bridge between two places is a piece of land that joins or connects them. (连接两地的) 陆桥

例:...a land bridge linking Serbian territories.


3. V-T To bridge the gap between two people or things means to reduce it or get rid of it. 克服 (障碍)

例:It is unlikely that the two sides will be able to bridge their differences.


4. V-T Something that bridges the gap between two very different things has some of the qualities of each of these things. 结合 (极为不同的两者)

例:...the singer who bridged the gap between pop music and opera.


5. N-COUNT If something or someone acts as a bridge between two people, groups, or things, they connect them. 纽带

例:We hope this book will act as a bridge between doctor and patient.


6. N-COUNT The bridge is the place on a ship from which it is steered. 舰桥

例:Captain Ronald Warwick was on the bridge when the wave hit.


7. N-COUNT The bridge of your nose is the thin top part of it, between your eyes. (鼻) 梁

例:On the bridge of his hooked nose was a pair of gold rimless spectacles.


8. N-COUNT The bridge of a pair of glasses is the part that rests on your nose. (眼镜的) 鼻梁架

9. N a dental plate containing one or more artificial teeth that is secured to the surrounding natural teeth (Also called bridgework)

10. N-COUNT The bridge of a violin, guitar, or other stringed instrument is the small piece of wood under the strings that holds them up. (小提琴、吉他等弦乐器的) 琴马

11. N-UNCOUNT Bridge is a card game for four players in which the players begin by declaring how many tricks they expect to win. 桥牌


arch bridge 拱形桥

suspension bridge 吊桥

bridge construction 桥梁施工;桥梁结构;桥梁建筑

bridge over 在…上架桥;渡过;暂时帮助

highway bridge 公路桥

词根: bridge

adj.bridgeable 可架桥的


When was the bridge constructed?


I declare this bridge open.


People streamed across the bridge.


ridge英 [rɪdʒ] 美 [rɪdʒ]

n. 山脊,山脉;屋脊;隆起部分,脊状突起;(大气层的)高压脊,高压带

v. 使隆起,使形成脊状;(表面)成脊状,起皱

【名】 (Ridge)(英)里奇(人名)

[ 复数 ridges 第三人称单数 ridges 现在分词 ridging 过去式 ridged 过去分词 ridged ]


Maple Ridge 枫树岭 ; 枫树岭镇 ; 枫树岭市

Ridge Racer 山脊赛车 ; 实感赛车 ; 山脊赛车滑流 ; 山脊赛车vita

Mid-ocean ridge 中洋脊 ; [海洋] 洋中脊 ; 海中的山脊 ; [海洋] 大洋中脊


ridge /rɪdʒ/ CET4 TEM4

1. N-COUNT A ridge is a long, narrow piece of raised land. 脊; 山脉

例:...a high road along a mountain ridge.


2. N-COUNT A ridge is a raised line on a flat surface. (平面上的) 隆起线

例:...the bony ridge of the eye socket.



mountain ridge 山岭;山脊;山梁

alveolar ridge [医]牙槽嵴

ridge line 山脊线;甲板中线;分水岭

oak ridge 橡树岭(美国田纳西州东部城市)

oak ridge national laboratory 橡树岭国家实验室

n. [地理]山脊;山脉;[建]屋脊mountain range , cordillera

词根: ridge

adj.ridged 有脊状线的

v.ridged 成脊状(ridge的过去式和过去分词)

The fawn ran to the top of the ridge.


He slowed the pace as they crested the ridge.


Rammick lives high on a ridge in a 400-home subdivision.


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