
我能帮助你吗英语怎么表达 作为工作人员对怎么顾客打招呼

我能帮助你吗英语怎么表达 作为工作人员对怎么顾客打招呼

英语中,“我能帮您吗?”除了用“May I help you?”来表达外?你还知道其它的吗?

May I help you? 常用于购物、吃饭、住店和办事等场所,作为工作人员对顾客打招呼。那么,除了May I help you?还有以下几个句子也有次用法!

第一,Can I help you?

eg: 1. -你想买点什么,李女士?


-Can I help you,Mrs. Li?

-I want to buy a dress for my daughter.

2. -你想吃什么?


-Can I help you?

-I want to have the beef noodles.

第二,Could I help you?(语气比Can I help you?委婉,常用于长辈)

eg: 1. -您要买些啥呢?


-Could I help you?

-Yes, I need a blue coat.



-Could I help you?

-A large bowl orange juice, please.

第三,What can I do for you?

eg:1. -我能为你做些什么呢,先生?


-What can I do for you,sir?

-I would like to know the way to the post office.

2.- 你要吃水果吗?


-What can I do for you?

-just cherries and strawberries.

第四,How can I help you?

eg: -要吃面吗?


-How can I help you?

-A small bowl of mutton noodles, please.

第五,May I take your order?



-May I take your order?

-We‘d like gongbao chicken and some mapo tofu with rice.

第六,What would you like?



-What would you like?

-A cup of green tea and two cups of water.


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