
讲话发言的英语怎么说 talk的常见搭配有哪些汇总

讲话发言的英语怎么说 talk的常见搭配有哪些汇总


Don’t talk in loud voice.别大声讲话。Let’s talk the situation over and find a good solution to the problem.我们讨论一下形势,找一个解决问题的好方法。

They had a talk and became good friends again.他们谈了心,又成了好朋友。

She heard a talk that he was an escaped murderer.她听谣传说他是个在逃杀人犯。Our teacher will give an online talk on “Friendship”.我们老师要做一个关于“友谊”的线上讲演。


1.talk to/with someone跟……交谈。比如:She was talking with her neighbor.她正在跟邻居交谈。Your first step should be to talk to a teacher or school counsellor. 你第一步应该是去找个老师或辅导员谈谈。

2.talk about/of sth.谈,谈论。比如:We are talking about the movie.我们在谈这个电影。talk of 表示“谈起”时,常用于引出新话题。比如:I‘ll give a prize to the best idea. Talking of good ideas, here‘s one to break the ice at a wedding reception. 我将对好点子给予奖励。说起好主意,这里就有一个,能活跃婚礼气氛。

3.have a talk with sb. about sth.表示“交谈;谈话;讨论;商讨”。比如:

I will have a long talk with my boss about my career prospects.我要和老板就我的职业前景进行一次长谈。I must have a heart-to-heart talk with her.我必须推心置腹地和她谈一谈。

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