
搭乘飞机英语怎么说 乘坐交通工具表达法解析

搭乘飞机英语怎么说 乘坐交通工具表达法解析

介词in ,on和by都可以与表示交通工具的名词搭配,表示交通方式,但其用法各不相同:

1.用“by+交通工具名词”表示交通方式.此时交通工具的名词只能用单数,不能用复数,也不能被冠词或物主代词等限定.如:by bike(骑自行车),by bus(乘公共汽车),by car(乘出租车),by train(乘火车),by ship(乘轮船),by plane(乘飞机)、by boat(坐船)等.如:

They often go home by bus.他们经常坐公共汽车回家.

I come here by taxi.我乘出租车来这儿的.

He goes to work by bike.他骑自行车去上班.

by spaceship乘坐宇宙飞船

2.用“by+交通路线的位置”来表示交通方式.如:by land(从陆路),by water(从水路),by sea(从海路),by air(乘飞机)等.如:

They go to England by air.他们乘飞机去英国.


He often goes to school on a(his)bike.他经常骑自行车去上学.

Don‘t come here on /in the ship.不要坐船来这里.

We go there in a car.我们乘小汽车去那里.

on a horseback / his bike / the plane / a ship (有冠词或限定词)

on a bus乘巴士;on a train乘火车;

on a plane乘飞机;on a ship乘轮船;

on a bicycle/motorbike骑自行车/摩托车;

on a horse/an elephant骑马/大象。

in his / a car (car前用in)坐他的小汽车

in a helicopter 坐直升机

因为bus和train人在里面可以直立行走,故一般与介词on连用;而car和taxi、helicopter人只能座在里面,故一般与介词into 、in连用。

另外,有一种说法*in表示乘坐某种交通工具时,交通工具名词前通常要有冠词或物主代词修饰,in侧重于在里面。如:in a car乘汽车;in a taxi乘的士;in a helicopter乘直升机;in a boat乘小船;in a lift(elevator)乘电梯。

I met him onthe train yesterday .昨天我在火车上碰到他。

He was onthe bus. 他在公车上。

I took the taxi to school with him. we were inthe taxi at that moment .

The train is coming . Lets get on the train. 火车要到了。让我们上火车吧!

Lets get off the bus here . 让我们在这儿下车吧!

The taxi is coming. Lets get into the taxi . 出租车来了。我们到出租车上去吧。

Here we are at the station . Lets get out of the car here. 我们到站了,让我们下车吧!

Get on board quickly! The ship is leaving at once . 快上船!船马上就要离开了。

4.用“take a(the)+交通工具名词”表示交通方式.如:take the subway.坐地铁take the bike骑自行车take a bus(乘公共汽车),take a train(乘火车),take a ship(乘轮船),take a plane(乘飞机);但“骑自行车”要用 ride a bike来表示;.骑马用:ride a horse。如:

Will you take a bus to go there?你乘汽车去那儿吗?

drive a car; walk; take a plane / taxi / bus; fly


(1)go to +某地+ on foot.如:

She g oes to w ork on foot.她步行去上班.

注意:on foot不可说成 on feet,on a /the /my foot,by foot等.

(2)walk to +某地.如:

He walks to school every day .=He goes to school on foot every day .


He walks to school every day .=He goes to school on foot every day .



by /take 交通工具

by bus/take the bus 坐公交

by taxi / take a taxi 坐出租车

by car / take a car 乘汽车

by plane / take a plane 坐飞机

by train / take a train 坐火车

by subway / by underground/take the subway 乘地铁

by bike/ ride a bike 骑自行车

on foot 步行

board the plane 登机

board the ship 上船

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