
七夕的英语单词怎么说 有关的英语汇总

七夕的英语单词怎么说 有关的英语汇总

Qixi Festival/Chinese Valentine‘s Day/Double Seventh Festival 七夕节

The Daughter‘s Festival 女儿节

The Begging Festival 乞巧节

seven celestial princesses 七仙女

Altair 牛郎星/牵牛

Niu Lang and Zhi Nu/Cowherd and the Weaver Maid 牛郎和织女

the Queen of Heaven 王母娘娘

the Emperor of Heaven 玉皇大帝

heavenly generals and soldiers/a troop of celestial soldiers and generals 天兵天将

a bridge of magpies 鹊桥

matchmaker temples 月老庙

the Milky Way 银河

heavenly palace 天宫

Vega 织女星

mundane life 凡间生活

Chinese folktales 民间故事

ingenuity test by floating needle 投针验巧

pleading for skills by threading a needle 穿针乞巧

cobweb as the determinant 喜蛛应巧

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