
收率英语怎么说 常用切磨抛行业英语词汇汇总

收率英语怎么说 常用切磨抛行业英语词汇汇总




爱锐词典!对,你没有看错,这已经是磨料磨具中英词汇(四)啦!想要看磨料磨具中英词汇(一)、(二)和(三)的,请在爱锐网国际站微信号内回复关键词 “一 ”、“二”或“三”(汉字哦!),即可获得中英(一)、(二)或(三)的汇总,也可在本头条号的往期文章中查找。

想要先了解一下,磨料磨具外贸人不可不知的15类实用切磨抛行业英语词汇的童鞋,请微信号内回复 15类,即可获得这篇分类明确,中英对照的清新实用大礼包哟!一起来学习吧!


China Abrasives & Grinding Industry Association Media 中国磨料磨具行业协会媒体

China (Zhengzhou) International Abrasives & Grinding Exposition


China Coated Abrasives中国涂附磨具

CCTE 中国刀具及设备展览会

(China Cutting Tools & Equipments Exhibition)

CCMT 中国数控机床展

(China CNC Machine Tool Fair)

CIHS 中国国际五金展

(China International Hardware Show)

GATT 关税暨贸易总协定

(General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)


(United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)

NAFTA 北美自由贸易协定

(North American Free Trade Agreement)

JCCT 中美商贸联委会

(China-US Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade)

EFTA 欧洲自由贸易联盟

(European Free Trade Association)

IMF 国际货币基金组织

(International Monetary Fund)

WTO 世界贸易组织(World Trade Organization)

XRD X射线衍射仪(X-ray diffractometer)

Young‘s modulus 杨氏模量,弹性模量

yielding of crystal 晶体形成

zone control 区域控制

zone melting 区域熔化

zong law 晶带定律

zirkite 斜锆石砾

zircite 氧化锆,天然斜锆石矿

zirconium oxide 氧化锆

zirconium anhydride 二氧化锆

zirconium dioxide 二氧化锆

zirconium silicate 硅酸锆

zirconic acid 锆酸

zirconia alumina 锆刚玉

zirconia corundum material 锆刚玉材料

Ziegler catalyst 齐格勒催化剂

zero allowance 零公差,无公差

zero line 零位线,基准线

zero-pressure position 零压位置

yellow earth bond 黄土结合剂

yield per pass 每次收率

yield rate 产率

xylok-phenolic 新酚树脂

X-cut crystal X切割晶体

xenomorphic grain 他形晶粒

xenomorphic granular 他形粒状

xenomorphic texture 他形晶结构

bulk density 堆积密度

artificial abrasives 人造磨料

combination grain size 混合粒度

compressive strength 抗压强度

conventional abrasive 普通磨料

cubic silicon carbide 立方碳化硅

diamond 钻石,金刚石

emery 天然金刚砂

fused alumina 熔融氧化铝

grit designation 粒度号

impact toughness 冲击韧性

losse grain 自由磨粒

macrograins 宏观晶粒,粗晶粒

magnetic material 磁性材料

metal clad diamond 金属衣金刚石

microcrystalline fused alumina 微晶刚玉

monocrystalline fused alumina 单晶刚玉

natural corundum 天然刚玉

physical corundum 物理刚玉

pink fused alumina 絡刚玉(粉刚玉)

polycrystal 多晶体

single crystal 单晶体

polycrystalline diamond 多晶金刚石

sintered alumina 烧结刚玉

specific surface area 比表面积

adhesive 粘结剂

aluminium oxide sintered stick 烧结刚玉魔石

aluminium oxide sintered wheel 烧结刚玉砂轮

backing 基材

fibre backing 钢纸基

paper backing 纸基

combination backing 复合基

combination backing abrasive belts 复合基砂带

combination stone 双面磨石

balancing test 平衡试验

dynamic balance test 动平衡试验

static balance test 静平衡试验

butt joint belts 对接砂带

joint abrasive belts 接头砂带

centreless grinding wheel 无心磨砂轮

centreless regulating wheel 无心磨导轮

closed coat 密植砂

closed pore 闭口气孔

closed porosity 闭口气孔率

cubic boron nitride grinding wheel立方氮化硼砂轮

CBN section 立方氮化硼层

cutting off wheel 切断砂轮

cylindrical abrasive sleeves 筒形砂套

cylinder wheel 筒形砂轮

deep cut and creep feed grinding wheel


density of coating grain 植砂密度

depressed center wheel 钹形砂轮

diamond abrasive products 金刚石磨具

diamond beads 金刚石串珠

diamond cut-off wheel 金刚石切割砂轮

diamond edging wheel 金刚石磨边砂轮

diamond dressing roller 金刚石滚轮

diamond cylinder wheel 金刚石筒形砂轮

diamond finishing pellets 金刚石精磨片

diamond frame saw blades 金刚石框架锯条

diamond section 金刚石石层

diamond saw segments 锯齿

diamond sawing and cutting tool金刚石锯切工具

diamond wire saw 金刚石绳锯

diluent 稀释剂

dish wheel 蝶形砂轮

dispersing agent 分散剂

dulling 钝化

electroplated diamond inner slicing disc


electroplated diamond files 电镀金刚石什锦锉

electroplated metal bond 电镀金属结合剂

electroplated super abrasive products 电镀超硬磨料磨具

endless abrasive belts 无接头砂带

flap wheels 研磨页轮

flap wheels with flange 卡盘研磨叶轮

flap wheels with shaft 带轴研磨叶轮

form grinding wheel 成型砂轮

fused bond 烧熔结合剂

inorganic bond 无机结合剂

glue bond 动物胶粘结剂

grinding segments 砂瓦

grinding wheel for rice husking 碾米砂轮

grinding wheel steel balls 磨钢球砂轮

grinding wheel peripheral speed


grindstone 天然磨石

high-pressure snagging wheel 重负荷修磨砂轮

high-speed grinding wheel 高速砂轮

hubbed wheel 单面凸砂轮

intermediate section 过渡层

magnesia bond 菱苦土结合剂

magnesia grindstone 菱苦土磨石

maximum operating speed 砂轮最高工作速度

metal bond 金属结合剂

metallographic abrasive paper 金相砂纸

mounted wheel 磨头

oil soluble lapping paste 油溶性研磨膏

open coat 疏植砂

closed coat 密植砂

open pore 开口气孔

open porosity 开口气孔率

total porosity 总气孔率

organic bond 有机结合剂

percentage of grain 磨粒率

pressure sensitive backing discs 粘贴砂盘

pulp segment 纸浆磨块

pulp stone 纸浆磨石

PVA (polyvinylalcohol) grinding wheel PVA 砂轮

resinoid bond 树脂结合剂

resin over glue bond 半树脂粘结剂

resin over resin bond 全树脂粘结剂

revolving strength 回转强度

rotation test 回转试验

rubber bond 橡胶结合剂

self-sharpening 自锐性

shellac bond 虫胶结合剂

sintered bond 烧结结合剂

sintering metal bond 烧结金属结合剂

solid lapping compound 固体研磨剂


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