
反思英语翻译是什么 常考英文词汇及短语句子汇总推荐

反思英语翻译是什么 常考英文词汇及短语句子汇总推荐


Perhaps no other thing has such power(力量) to lift (提升)the poor out of his poverty(贫穷),the wretched(悲惨的 )out of his misery(痛苦),to make the burden-bearer(有重负的人)forget his burden, the sick his suffering(苦楚),as books.

• Such as 如此…out of 摆脱 • 句子主干Perhaps no other thing has such power as books, to

lift/ to make 做定语修饰power • 省略:lift the wretched out of his misery/ make the sick

forget his suffering

• The poor/ the wretched/ the sick: the adj/分词表示具有某一性质的人或物

• 也许只有书籍能让穷人脱贫,让可怜的人摆脱苦楚,让不堪重负的人得到释怀,让生病的人忘掉痛苦。

• They are friends to the lonely(孤独的), companions(伴侣) to the deserted(被抛弃的), joy to the joyless(无趣的), hope to the hopeless, good cheer(欢呼) to the disheartened(使气馁,沮丧),a helper to the helpless. They bring light into darkness, and sunshine into shadow(阴影).

• desert [ˈdezət]沙漠 desert [di‘zə:t]vt. 遗弃 dessert [di‘zə:t]甜点

• 当孤独时书,是你的朋友;当被抛弃时,书是你的伴侣;当无趣时,书你的是快乐;当灰心时,书是你的希望;当气馁时,书是你的激励;当无助时,书是你的恩人。书籍把光明撒入黑暗,把阳光照进阴影。

• We may be poor, socially(社交上 )ostracized(排斥),shut out from (拒之门外)all personal association with the great and the good (精英), and yet be in the best society in the world, in books.

• 也许是因为贫穷,我们受到排斥,被上流社会拒之门外,然而,我们依然身处世间最好的圈子里,这个圈子就是书籍。

• The trend(走向,趋势 )of many a life for good or ill, (无论好歹) for success or failure(成败与否),has been determined(决定) by a single book. we read early in life are those which influence(影响)us the most.

• in the best society做表语 in the world,做定语 in books 作同位语

• The books which 与those which influence都是先行词与关系词

• 早年阅读的书籍对我们一生影响甚大,或成功,或失败,或从善,或从恶,一个人的一生也许就取决于小小的一本书。

• The greatest advantage (优势,好处)of books does not always come from what we remember of them, but from their suggestiveness(启发,暗示).A good book often serves as (作为)a match(火柴) to light the dormant(睡眠状态的)-powder (火药)within us. There is explosive(爆炸的)material enough in most of us if we can only reach it.

• Not…but 关联词:不是……而是……

• what we remember of them宾语从句:我们从书中记住的东西

• 读书的益处不是从书本中记住某些东西,而是从书本中得到启发。只要我们能挖掘出来,大多数人内部蕴藏着足够的潜能,一本好书就是点燃内部潜能的火柴。

• A good book or a good friend often excites thought(思想)in great writers, even upon entirely(完全地) different subjects. We often find in books what we thought and felt, we could have expressed ourselves. Indeed, we get acquainted(使熟悉,相识 )with ourselves in books.

• (that)we could have expressed ourselves. 定语从句:这些东西我们本来可以自己表达的

• excites thought in great writers 激发作者伟大的思想

• Be/get acquainted with 与……相识

• 即便在不同的主题中,一本好书或者说一位好友都能与伟大的作家激起相思之火花。我们曾经有过而从未表达出来的相思与感受都可以在书本中找到。

• We discover one feature(特点)in Emerson(爱默生), another lineament(特点,特征 )in Shakespeare, an expression(表达) in Homer(荷马), a glimpse(一瞥,一看 )of ourselves in Dante(但丁), and so on until we spell out(拼出,认识) our whole individuality(个性).

• Emerson:拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson,1803年5月25日-1882年4月27日),生于波士顿。美国思想家、文学家,诗人。爱默生是确立美国文化精神的代表人物。

• Homer:古希腊盲诗人。相传记述了公元前12~前11世纪特洛伊战争,以及关于海上冒险故事的古希腊长篇叙事代表作——史诗

• Dante: [‘dænt]但丁·阿利基耶里(公元1265年-公元1321年),13世纪末意大利诗人,现代意大利语的奠基者,欧洲文艺复兴时代的开拓人物之一

• 在爱默生,莎翁的作品中我们可以找到自己的角色,在荷马史诗中可以找到自我表达,在但丁的画作里可以看到自己的身影,只有多读书我们才能全面地认识自己。

True, we get many pleasing reflections (反思,反省)of ourselves from fiends(恶人),many mirrored (反映)deformities(缺陷)from our enemies, and a characteristic(特性,特征 )here and there from the world; but in calm and unbiased(没有偏见的 )way we find the most of ourselves, our strength(长处,强项), our weakness, our limitations(局限性),our opinions, our tastes, our harmonies(协调,融洽) and discords(不一致),our poetic(如诗一般的) and prosaic(散文的) qualities, in books.

find the most of ourselves充分认识自己

harmonies and discords 和而不同

poetic and prosaic qualities 朴实而不乏优美的品质


• We form (形成)many of our opinions from our favorite books. The author whom we prefer (更喜欢)is our most potent(使人信服的 )teacher; we look at the world through his eyes. If we habitually(习惯地) read books that are elevating(振奋精神的 )in tone(语气),pure in style, sound (健全的,完善的)in reasoning, and keen(敏锐的) in insight (洞察力),our minds develop (培养)the same characteristics(特征,特色).The best books are those which stir(激起;鼓动) us up most and make us the most determined(有决心的) to do something and be something ourselves.

• which stir us up most and (which)make us the most determined to do something and (which)be something ourselves. 这是三个并列的定语从句,先行词为those

• 有的书能深深触动我们的当我们偏好于某一类书籍,把作者奉为我们深信的导师,以他们的眼光看世界,从而形成我们对世事的看法。当阅读成为习惯,经常阅读基调向上,风格淳朴,说理有据,有洞察力的书籍,我们的头脑也会内生出同样的品质。内心,让我们朝着某个方向去成为一个什么样的人,这类书才是最好的书。

• Libraries are no longer a luxury[ˈlʌkʃəri][ˈlʌɡʒəri](奢侈;豪华),but a necessity(必需品)

• .A home without books and periodicals(期刊) and newspapers is like a house without windows. Children learn to read by being in the midst (在……这中) of books; they unconsciously(无意中) absorb(吸收) knowledge by handling(处理;操作 )them.

• 上图书馆已不再是一件奢侈的事,而是必须的。没有书籍或报刊的屋子就如一座没有窗户的房子。书堆里的孩子学会了阅读,在阅读中孩子们无形中吸收了知识。

• No family can now afford(买得起; 担负得起)to be without good reading. "No entertainment(娱乐) is so cheap as reading, "says Mary Wortley Montagu, "nor any pleasure so lasting." "Good books elevate (提升)the character, purify(净 化)the taste, take the attractiveness(魅力) out of low pleasures(低级趣味), and lift us upon a higher plane(水平,程度 )of thinking and living.

• No family can now afford to be without good reading • No与without 构成双重否定 nor any pleasure so lasting. Nor 为否定词:也不


Whatever you read, read with enthusiasm(热心,热情),with energy, read with the whole mind, if you would increase your mental stature(声望).Learn to absorb the mental and the moral (道德的;精神的 ) life of a book, and assimilate (吸收,同化)it into your life. He is the best reader who consumes(消耗,消费 )the most knowledge and converts(转换) it into character.

• Whatever you read:让步状语从句

• if you would increase your mental stature:条件状语从从句

• 无论读什么书,只有全神贯注地,聚精会神地,带着热情去读,才能真正提高我们的相思境界。学会把从书本中吸收的伦理道德与精神相思转化到自己的生活中去,能把知识充分消化并转化成自己品质的读者才是最好的读者。

Mechanical(机械的,呆板的 )readers remember words, the husks(外壳,皮毛 )of things, but digest(消化,融会贯通) nothing. They cram(填满) their brains but starve(使挨饿) their minds. If you are getting the most out of a book, you will feel a capacity(才能,能力 )for doing things which you never felt before.

• Brain:大脑(生理上的)而mind:头脑(精神上的)

• get the most of 充分利用

• 死读书的人只记住一些词藻和事物之皮毛,完全没有消化之,充斥着头脑,空虚着心灵。如果能充分利用书本,你就会有一种前所未有的感觉,觉得自己是有所作为的人。

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