
可以说英语怎么说 七年级下册短语默写汇总

可以说英语怎么说 七年级下册短语默写汇总

Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?(培优)


1. 游泳俱乐部 swimming club

2. 舞蹈俱乐部 dancing club

3. 唱歌俱乐部 singing club

4. 下国际象棋 play chess

5. 喜欢讲故事 like telling stories

6. 想要弹钢琴 want to play the piano

7. 擅长拉小提琴

be good at playing the violin

8. 跟我的老师说 talk to my teacher

9. 说英语 speak English

10. 用英语说它 say it in English

11. 讲故事 tell stories

12. 讲故事俱乐部 the story telling club

13. 写故事 write stories

14. 和孩子们相处很好

be good with children

15. 在家 at home

16. 和老人交朋友

make friends with old people

17. 在运动方面帮助学生们

help students with sports

18. 在周末

on weekends/ on the weekend

19. 教我英语 teach me English

20. 需要你来教孩子们音乐

need you do teach children music

21. 想加入艺术俱乐部

want to join the art club

22. 还会踢足球 can also play soccer

23. 拨打电话...找某人 call sb. at ...

24. 在周末有时间 have time on weekends


1. 我想加入音乐俱乐部。

I want to join the music club.

2. 你会弹吉他吗?

Can you play the guitar?

3. 你想加入什么俱乐部?

What club do you want to join?

4. 你会做什么运动?

What sports can you play?

5. 你呢?What about you?

6. 你很擅长讲故事。

You are very good at telling stories.

7. 你可以加入讲故事俱乐部。

You can join the story telling club.

8. 听起来很不错。That sounds good.

9. 现在就加入吧!Let’s join now.

10. 你会干什么? What can you do ?

11. 但是他不会说中文。

But he can’t speak Chinese.

12. 请在放学后跟张老师说。

Please talk to Mr Zhang after school.

13. 我也会唱歌和跳舞。

I can also sing and dance.

14. 他们能给你讲故事,而且你们可以交朋友。

They can tell you stories, and you can make friends.

15. 你会说英语吗?

Can you speak English?

16. 他非常喜欢讲故事。

He likes telling stories very much.

Unit 2 What time do you go to school?


1. 起早床 get up early

2. 早上7:00去上学

go to school at seven in the morning

3. 穿衣服 get dressed

4. 给我弟弟穿衣服 dress my brother

5. 刷牙 brush one‘s teeth

6. 吃一份好的早餐 eat a good breakfast

7. 洗热水澡 take a hot shower

8. 几点 what time

9. 6:30 six thirty/half past six

10. 7:15

seven fifteen/ a quarter past seven

11. 8:45

eight forty-five/a quarter to nine

12. 9:50 nine fifty/ten to ten

13. 有一份趣味的工作

have an interesting job

14. 在电台工作 work at radio station

15. 从星期一到星期五

from Monday to Friday

16. 一个滑稽的时间 a funny time

17. 大约十点二十 about ten twenty

18. 去上班 go to work

19. 上班迟到 be late for work

20. 上学迟到 be late for school

21. 在周末

on weekends/on the weekend

22. 在上学的日子 on school days

23. 你最好的朋友 your best friend

24. 吃早餐 have /eat breakfast

25. 吃午餐 have/eat lunch

26. 先做作业 do homework first

27. 晚睡 go to bed late

28. 回家 go home

29. 帮助妈妈打扫房间

help mother clean the room

30. 晚饭后去散步

take a walk after dinner

31. 做运动 play/do sports

32. 吃冰淇淋 eat ice-cream

33. 吃蔬菜 eat vegetables

34. 要么打篮球要么看电视

either play basketball or watch TV

35. 放学后 after school

36. 到家 get home

37. 午餐吃汉堡

have/eat hamburgers for lunch

38. 吃许多水果 eat lots of/a lot of fruits

39. 对她有好处 be good for her

40. 健康的习惯 healthy habits

41. 不健康的活动 unhealthy activities

42. 有时间散步

have time to take a walk

43. 有好的牙齿 have good teeth


1. What time do you usually go to school?


2. I usually take a shower at six forty.

我常常6:40 洗澡。

3. That’s a funny time for breakfast.


4. So I “m never late for work.


5. What time does Rick eat breakfast?

Rick 常常什么时候吃早餐?

6. What time does your best friend go to school?


7. He’s never late. 他从不迟到。

8. She doesn’t like to get up early.


9. I don’t have much time for breakfast.


10. When I get home, I always do my homework first.


11. In the evening, he either watches TV or plays computer games.


12. She knows it’s not good for her,but it tastes good!


Unit 3 How do you get to school?


1. 到校 get school

2. 坐火车去学校

take the train to school/

go to school by train

3. 坐公交车去上班

take a bus to school/

go to school by bus

4. 坐地铁去商场

take the subway to the store/

go to the store by subway

5. 走路回家 walk home /go home on foot

6. 骑自行车 ride a/the/one’s bike,

by bike, on a bike

7. 坐公交车 take a/the bus,

by bus, on a/the bus

8. 坐地铁 take the subway, by subway

9. 坐火车 take the train ,

by train, in a train

10. 坐飞机 take a plane, by plane, by air,

11. 开车 drive a/one’s car

12. 坐小汽车 take a car, in a car, by car

13. 多久 how long

14. 多远 how far

15. 每天 every day

16. 从你家到学校

from your home to school

17. 骑自行车15分钟

fifteen minutes by bike

18. 祝你开心 have a good day

19. 爷爷奶奶的家 parents’ home

20. 认为 think of

21. 穿过河流去上学

cross the river to school

22. 在中国的一个小村庄

in one small village in China

23. 一条大河 a big river

24. 水流太快 river runs too quickly

25. 在...和...之间 between ...and...

26. 坐索道去上学

go on a rope-way to school

27. 一个11岁的男孩

one/an eleven-year-old boy

28. 害怕做某事

be afraid of doing sth.

29. 像... be like

30. 和...玩 play...with...

31. 实现;成真 come true

32. 坐船 take a boat/ by boat

33. 因...感谢 thanks for doing

34. 想知道 want to know

35. 坐公交车到那儿

get there by bus


1. How do you get/go to school?


2. I usually walk to school.


3. I ride the bike to school every day.


4. How far is it from your home to school?


5. How long does it take you to get to school?


6. It’s good exercise. 这是好运动。

7. Have a good day at school.


8. Do they take the bus to school? /

Do they go to school by bus?


9. For many students, it is easy to get to school.


10. But for the students in one small village in China,it is difficult.


11. So these students go on a rope-way to cross the river to school.


12. He’s like a father to me.


13. Many of the students and villagers never leave the village.


14. It is their dream to have a bridge. Can their dream come true?


15. Thanks for your last letter.


Unit 4 Don’t eat in class.


1. 在课堂上吃东西 eat in class

2. 上课迟到 be/arrive late for class

3. 按时 on time

4. 及时 in time

5. 在食堂吃东西

eat in the dining hall

6. 在走廊里跑 run in the hallways

7. 在教室里听音乐

listen to music in the classroom

8. 在外面吃东西 eat outside

9. 在课堂上戴帽子 wear a hat

10. 许多规矩 a lot of rules

11. 带音乐播放机来学校

bring the music players to school

12. 穿校服 wear the school uniform

13. 必须在图书馆保持安静

have to be quiet in the library

14. 外出 go out

15. 见朋友 see friends

16. 做作业 do one’s homework

17. 练习弹钢琴

practice playing the piano

18. 洗碗;洗餐具 do the dishes

19. 帮助他妈妈做早餐

help his mom make breakfast

20. 打扫他的房间 clean his room

21. 在上学的晚上 on school nights

22. 在上学期间 on school days

23. 每个星期六 every Saturday

24. 晚餐后 after dinner

25. 太多的规矩 too many rules

26. 整理你的床铺 make your bed

27. 跑向学校 run to school

28. 十点前睡觉

go to bed before ten

29. 记得要做某事

remember to do sth.

30. 立规矩 make the rules

31. 违规 break the rules

32. 遵守规矩 follow the rules

33. 祝你好运 good luck

34. 对某人要求严格 be strict with

35. 玩得开心 have fun


1. Don’t arrive late for class. You must be on time.


2. Don’t fight with classmates. 不要和同学打架(吵架)。

3. Don’t eat in the classroom. 不要在教室里吃东西。

4. It’s my first day at school. 这是我上学的第一天。

5. This a great school, but there are a lot of rules.


6. Don’t be late for class. This is very important.


7. Does he have to wear a uniform to school?


8. What do you have to do? 你必须做什么?

9. There are too many rules. 有太多的规矩了。

10. I can’t play basketball after because I must do my homework.

放学后我不能打篮球 因为我必须要做作业。

11. Parents and schools are sometimes strict with us.


12. I never have fun. 我从来不开心。

Unit 5 Why do you like pandas?


1. 我最喜欢的动物

my favorite animal(s)

2. 想去看熊猫

want to see pandas

3. 来自..., 是...的人

be from/come from

4. 两条腿走路 walk on two legs

5. 有点儿无聊 kind of boring

6. 整天睡觉 sleep all day

7. 非常喜欢... like...a lot

8. 好运的象征

a symbol of good luck

9. ...之一 one of...

10. 迷路 get/be lost

11. 处于危险之中 be in great danger

12. 砍倒许多树 cut down many trees

13. 象牙制品 things made of ivory

14. 给某人买某物

buy sth. for sb./buy sb. sth.


1. Why do you like pandas?


2. Let’s see the lion first.


3. Does your family have a pet?


4. Why don’t you like the cat?


5. Then that’s a good name for name?


6. Because they are kind of interesting.


7. Elephants can walk a long time and never get lost.


8. Where are they from? 他们来自哪里?

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