
过桥英语怎么说 考试范文推荐建议收藏

过桥英语怎么说 考试范文推荐建议收藏

Unit 41 How to Find the Way to My House

假设你是Mike, Dick是你的朋友,你去看他,并想邀请他星期天晚上去你家吃饭,恰巧他不在家。你给他留了张便条告知此事,并画了张路线图,告诉他去你家的路线。

注意:1. 格式正确;

1. 作文必须包括中文提示和路线图中所提供的全部信息;

2. 词数120左右。


Dear Dick:

I came to see you but you happened to be out①. I would like to invite you to dinner at my house this Sunday evening. Now, let me tell you the way to② my house.

My house is at No. 25 Park Road. From your house you can first go eastward③ along Field Street. Then you’ll get to④ Riverside Road. Turn left and soon you’ll see a bridge. Please get across the bridge⑤ and go straight down⑥ Bridge Road. At the second crossing, turn to⑦ the south and at the end of Church Street ⑧ turn right. This is Park Road. Soon you’ll find a bookstore on the left. And next it is my house⑨. I am sure you’ll enjoy the dinner.




①happen to be out:碰巧外出

②tell sb. the way to:告诉某人去……的路

③go eastward: 往东走

④get to:到达

⑤got across the bridge:过桥


⑦turn to: 转向

⑧at the end of:在……的尽头

⑨…and next it is my house…:我家在它旁边(倒装句)



首先文章使用了正确的便条格式。正文部分分两段,第一段作者根据内容提示,直截了当地告诉Dick你留便条的原因。然后用“Now, let me tell you the way to my house.”很自然地过渡到下文第二段,这样使文章层次分明,条理清楚。在第二段首句,作者开门见山先介绍了自己家所在的地方的名称,随后详细描述了应走的路线。在说明路线的过程中,使用了first, then, and soon, and, soon, and next to it等词组进行连接,使得文章结构紧凑,连贯,语言准确、地道,表达到位,是一篇优秀范文。

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