
开门红英语词汇解析 第三人称单数的词汇是什么

开门红英语词汇解析 第三人称单数的词汇是什么

commence,begin,start xinchi外语

英 [kəˈmens] 美 [kəˈmens]

v. 开始,着手

[ 第三人称单数 commences 现在分词 commencing 过去式 commenced 过去分词 commenced ]


commence business 开始 ; 开始营业 ; 腾空而起

On commence 开始吧

activity commence 活动开始 ; 展开活动


v.take the first step or steps in carrying out an action同义词: get down begin get start out start set about set out

set in motion, cause to start同义词: begin lead off start

get off the ground同义词: start start up embark on

以上来源于: WordNet


commence /kəˈmɛns/ CET4 TEM4 ( commencing, commenced, commences )

1. V-T/V-I When something commences or you commence it, it begins. 使…开始; 开始 [正式]

例:The academic year commences at the beginning of October.


例:They commenced a systematic search.



commence business 开始营业

vt. 开始;着手institute , initiate , launch on , enter upon , put in hand

词根: commence

n.commencement 开始,发端;毕业典礼

inaugurate, commence, start, initiate, begin


inaugurate 指正式而隆重的开始。

commence 可与begin换用,但commence系书面正式用词,语气庄重,特指有正式程序或一定仪式,或某种正式行动的“开始”。

start 在许多场合可与begin通用,但start侧重动作的起点。

initiate 指创始或发起,侧重某过程的第一步,不考虑结束,强调起始。

begin 最常用词,含义广泛,其反义词是end,多用于行动、工作等的开始。



We commence building next week.


The meeting is scheduled to commence at noon.


Wicher‘s return will commence with the upcoming European tour.


begin英 [bɪˈɡɪn] 美 [bɪˈɡɪn]

v. 开始,着手;开始说;开始发生,开始进行;以……为起点,起始于;首字母为

[ 第三人称单数 begins 现在分词 beginning 过去式 began 过去分词 begun ]


Begin output 开始输出

begin work 开始工作 ; 开始努力工作

Begin Installation 开始安装

Begin level 起始层

Begin Time 开始时间 ; 设置元素显示之前的延迟 ; 起始时间



begin /bɪˈɡɪn/ CET4 TEM4 ( beginning, began, begun, begins )

1. V-T To begin to do something means to start doing it. 开始 (做某事)

例:He stood up and began to move around the room.


例:The weight loss began to look more serious.


2. V-T/V-I When something begins or when you begin it, it takes place from a particular time onward. 使开始发生; 开始发生

例:The problems began last November.


例:He has just begun his fourth year in hiding.


3. V-T/V-I If you begin with something, or begin by doing something, this is the first thing you do. 以 (某事、做某事) 开始

例:Could I begin with a few formalities?


例:...a businessman who began by selling golf shirts from the boot of his car.


例:He began his career flipping hamburgers.


4. V-T/V-I You use begin to mention the first thing that someone says. 开始说; 以…做开场白 [no cont]

例:"Professor Theron," he began, "I‘m very pleased to see you."


例:He didn‘t know how to begin.


5. V-I If one thing began as another thing, it first existed as the other thing before it changed into its present form. 起初是 [no cont]

例:What began as a local festival has blossomed into an international event.


6. V-I If you say that a thing or place begins somewhere, you are talking about one of its limits or edges. 起始于 [no cont]

例:The fate line begins close to the wrist.


7. V-I If a word begins with a particular letter, that is the first letter of that word. (某词) 以 (某字母) 开头 [no cont]

例:The first word begins with an F.


8. PHRASE You use to begin with when you are talking about the first stage of a situation, event, or process. 起初; 刚开始

例:It was great to begin with but now it‘s difficult.


9. PHRASE You use to begin with to introduce the first of several things that you want to say. 首先

例:"What do scientists you‘ve spoken with think about that?"—"Well, to begin with, they doubt it‘s going to work."



begin with 以…开始;开始于…

begin at 几点开始;从……开始

begin again 重新开始;重做

begin to do 开始做某事

begin as 作为…开始

begin doing 开始做某事


Their trial will shortly begin.


When will you begin recruiting?


We‘ll go slowly to begin with.


start英 [stɑːt] 美 [stɑːrt]

v. 开始(做某事);使发生,开始;开动,发动(机器);创立,创始;出发,启程;开始(新的工作、事业或教育);朝…...方向前进;(从…...)开始;突然一惊,吓一跳;<非正式>开始抱怨(或生气);(比赛中)首发上场;(以特定方式)开始;起源,起始;使(某人)开始谈论;(眼睛)突起,鼓出;(通过压力或收缩)使松动,使脱落;使(猎物)离巢,驱赶(猎物)出巢穴

n. 开始,开端,开始部分;开始;(事业的)最初机遇,起步机会;起点,出发点(the start);(参加的)比赛;突然一惊;比赛中先起跑的优势,占先地位;新工作,新企业,新手;先发上场

[ 复数 starts 第三人称单数 starts 现在分词 starting 过去式 started 过去分词 started ]

Start point [交] [数] 起始点 ; 起始节点 ; 开始点 ; 启动点

New START 新削减战略武器条约 ; 新起点 ; 重新起动

Quality Start 优质先发

Start Menu 开始菜单 ; 开始功能表

Start Game 开始游戏 ; 为开始游戏 ; 游戏开始 ; 启动游戏

Cold Start [动力] [计] 冷启动 ; 冷态启动 ; 冷开机 ; 冷起动

to start with 首先 ; 第一 ; 作为开始 ; 一开始

Start Here 从这里开端 ; 从这搭起头 ; 登陆成功后即到此页

Quick Start 启动精灵 ; 快速启动 ; 快速入门 ; 快速开始


start /stɑːt/ CET4 TEM4 ( starting, started, starts )

1. V-T If you start to do something, you do something that you were not doing before and you continue doing it. 开始 (做某事)

例:John then unlocked the front door and I started to follow him up the stairs.


例:It was 1956 when Susanna started the work on the garden.


2. N-COUNT Start is also a noun. 开始

例:After several starts, she read the report properly.


3. V-T/V-I When something starts, or if someone starts it, it takes place from a particular time. 使开始发生; 开始发生

例:The fire is thought to have started in an upstairs room.


例:All of the passengers started the day with a swim.


4. N-SING Start is also a noun. 开始

例:...1918, four years after the start of the Great War.


5. V-I If you start by doing something, or if you start with something, you do that thing first in a series of actions. (以做某事) 开始

例:I started by asking how many day-care centres were located in the United States.


6. V-I You use start to say what someone‘s first job was. For example, if their first job was that of a factory worker, you can say that they started as a factory worker. (以做…) 开始 (职业生涯)

例:Betty started as a shipping clerk at the clothes factory.


7. PHRASAL VERB Start off means the same as . 开始

例:Mr. Dambar had started off as an assistant to Mrs. Spear‘s husband.


8. V-T When someone starts something such as a new business, they create it or cause it to begin. 开办

例:George Granger has started a health centre and I know he‘s looking for qualified staff.


9. PHRASAL VERB Start up means the same as . 开办

例:The cost of starting up a day-care centre for children ranges from $150,000 to $300,000.


10. → see also startup

11. V-T/V-I If you start an engine, car, or machine, or if it starts, it begins to work. 发动 (引擎、汽车、机器等); (引擎、汽车或机器等) 发动

例:He started the car, which hummed smoothly.



start something [美国口语] 制造麻烦;引起争吵(或打斗)

start with 从…开始

start from 从…开始

at the start 开始

at the start of 在…开始的时候

start in 开始

from the start 从一开始

good start 开门红

start up v. 开始;发动;

start work 动手;开工

start for 出发,启程;动身去

start out 出发;著手进行

start off 出发,开始

start point 出发点;起始点

start doing 开始做

start over 重新开始

head start 领先;抢先起步的优势;有利的开端


They determined to start early.


When do the fireworks start?


They start work at dawn.


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