
他有一个大家庭的英文 主谓一致的集体名词解析翻译

他有一个大家庭的英文 主谓一致的集体名词解析翻译

Collective Nouns集体名词:

A collective noun is a word used to name a group of people, animals, or things. A collective noun is singular in form even though it names anything which is two or more than two.


Some collective nouns can take a singular or plural verb depending on its meaning in a sentence. A collective noun is singular when it refers to the group as a unit and plural when it refers to the individual members. For example, army, audience, public, band, choir, class, club, committee, crew, crowd, faculty, family, staff, government, jury, team, pride, herd, etc.

一些集体名词的动词可用单数,也可用复数,取决于该名词在句子中的含义。表示整体时,动词用单数,表示个体成员时,动词用复数。例如,army军队、audience观众、public公众、band乐队、choir合唱团、class班级、club俱乐部、committee委员会、crew全体工作人员、crowd人群、faculty全体教职工、family家、staff全体职工、government政府、jury陪审团、team 队、pride狮群、herd牧群。

The audience was larger than usual and the concert was a success. – is thought of as a single unit

这场音乐会来的观众比平时多,很成功。- 被视为一个整体

The audience were all clapping wildly! - is thought of as a collection of individuals

观众都在疯狂地鼓掌! – 被视为每个个体

The government is hoping that online voting will attract more young people to vote.


The government are all very nervous about the report which is going to be published tomorrow.


His family is large.


His family have given him their full support.


The public are generous in their contributions to the earthquake victims.


The team plan to share their best memories of the coach at his retirement party.


I think the orchestra sounds off-key tonight.


How often has our school choir performed at the regional music festival?


The pride of lions was resting in the shade of a tree.


The herd were tagged and vaccinated against common illnesses.


CATTLE, POLICE are always used with plural verbs.

CATTLE, POLICE作主语时,总是跟复数动词形式。

Cattle are grazing in the field.


The police have caught the murderer.


If we want to talk about an individual member of the police, we can say POLICEMAN, POLICEWOMAN, or POLICE OFFICER.


A police officer questioned the witness.


Collective Nouns for Groups of People 表一群人的集体名词:

an army of soldiers

a regiment of soldiers

a choir/group of singers

a class of students/pupils

a crowd of people/spectators

a troupe/group of dancers

a patrol of policemen

a team of players

a panel of experts

a staff of employees

a troop of scouts

a congregation of worshippers

a host of angels

a band of musicians

a crew of sailors

a crush of shoppers/fans

a circle/group of friends

a flock of tourists

a caravan of travelers

a caravan of gypsies

a board of directors

a tribe of natives

a cast of actors/players

a gaggle of comedians

a pratfall of clowns

a horde of savages

a mob of rioters

a pack/den of thieves

a band/gang of robbers

Collective Nouns for Groups of Animals 表一群动物的集体名词:

a herd of cows

a host of sparrows

a flock of birds/geese

a flight of birds

a swarm of flies/bees

a pack of dogs

a school of fish

a bunch of keys

a team of horses

a class of students

a troop of monkeys

a set of tools

a bale of cotton

a deck of cards

a little of kittens

a pride of lions

a colony of ants/badgers

a caravan of camels

a cloud of flies/insects/locusts

Collective Nouns for Groups of Things表一类物的集体名词:

a bouquet of flowersa bunch of keys

a tube of toothpaste

a bar of soap

a bar/piece of chocolate

a slice of pizza/bread

a pile of cookies

a batch of cakes

a bottle/carton of milk

a glass/jug of water

a jar of honey

a cup of tee

a can of soda

a bowl of rice/soup

a box of cereal

a kilo of sugar

a loaf of bread

a piece of jewelry

a pile of money

a basket of fruit

a battery of guns

a bowl of rice

a book of notes

a bundle of sticks

a bale of cotton

a catalogue of prices

a chest of drawers

a cluster of coconuts

a cloud of dust

a hand/comb of bananas

a heap of rubbish

a hedge of bushes

a library of books

an outfit of clothes

an orchard of fruit trees

a stack of hay

a clutch of eggs

a set of tools

a palette of colors

a packet of letters

a pair of shoes

a ball of wool

a grove of trees

a drop of rain

a party of friends

a quiver of arrows

a range of mountains

a deck of cards

a battery of tests

a piece of paper

a string of pearls

a reel of film

a roll of film

an album of photographs

a ream of paper

a set of clubs

a sheaf of grain

a galaxy of stars

a fleet of vehicles

a fleet of ships

a gallon of gasoline

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