
夫妻英语的英文单词是什么 各奔东西的唯美例句解析

夫妻英语的英文单词是什么 各奔东西的唯美例句解析

爱情语丝 (The golden thread of love words )

1)爱之深,恨之切。Love well, whip well.

2)爱是一种甜蜜的痛苦。Love is a sweet torment.

3)剪不断,Cut, it won‘t sever.

理还乱,But ruled , it will never.

是离愁,What sorrow it is to part,

别有一番滋味在心头。An unspeakbable taste in the heart.


4) 天涯海角路遥远,此情绵绵无绝期。

Living far away from each other,

passionate love keeps welling up in my mind.

5) 花自飘零水自流,一种相思,两处闲愁。

As fallen flowers drift and water runs its way,

One longing overflows,

Two places with the same worry.

两颗破碎的心 two broken hearts

歇斯底里 hysteria


1)我气得身体直发抖。I was shaking with fury.

2)我大发雷霆,揍了他一顿。I saw red and hit him.

3)她很疯狂。She is frantic.

4)他勃然大怒。He hit the roof.

5)她的嘲笑激怒了我。She provoked me by her teasing.

6) 她刺激我。She irritated me.

7)我失去了自制力。I lost my control.

8) 他气死我了。 He makes me nuts.

9) 我失去理智了。 I was out of my mind.



1)她责骂我。She reproached me.

2)我诅咒他。I cursed him.

3)我好失望。I was upset.

4) 我狠狠地怒斥他。I was hard on him.

5)他把我骂得狗血淋头。He bit my head off.

6)你骗我。You cheated me.

7)这是个圈套。This is a trap.

大声尖叫 screaming

冲突的愤怒 full of anger

8) 你是自作自受。Your deserve punishment.

9)请你站在我的立场上想想。Put yourself in my shoes.

10)你把事情弄得一团糟。You messed it up.

你把事情弄得一团糟 You messed it up !

11)我已经对你感到厌烦了。I‘m sick of you. / I‘m fed up with you.

12)已经结束了。It‘s over. / Game over.

13)滚出去!Get out of here. / Get out of my way.

14)我们分手吧!Let‘s broke up!

15)我和他分手了。I broke up with him.

你多么无情了,爱到了尽头 let;‘s broke up !

16)我的心碎了。My heart is broken.

17)分手是我很痛苦。The parting filled me with pain.

18)我已经对你的抱怨感到厌烦。I‘m fed up with your complaints.

我会找你报仇的,等着瞧吧!I am not finished with you !

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