
双语学习报英语高一 高考英文读写任务范文推荐

双语学习报英语高一 高考英文读写任务范文推荐

范文14. 读写任务(第二次摸底测试)

The author thinks relaxation plays an important part in life, and people feeling relaxed can easily do better in work or study, compared with the tired people. But most pay little attention to it, and only after getting everything done do they consder taking a rest.(W:46)


In my school, students are required to go to school on Saturdays, especially the students of Grade 9 and Grade 12. Although most of them are not interested in having classes on Saturdays / 0n weekends, they have to go to school in order not to fall behind in class.


Students have their own different opinions on having classes on Saturdays. Some students think that taking classes on Saturdays makes them much tired and bored, so they want achool to leave them more time to do their own things on weekends. However, others hold the opposite opinion. As the students of Senior Three, they believe they should make full use of every minute to prepare for the entrance examinations.


Most of the teachers and parents are for the idea that students should have classes on Saturdays. They hope that the students can learn more by having classes on Saturdays. Some of the parents are worried that if their children don‘t need to have classes on Saturdays, they will spend most of their time playing computer games or doing other useless things, which are not good for them.


As far as I’m concerned, no matter how busy we are, we should have suitable relaxation. We can take some exercise on the Saturday afternoon, or take part in some after-school activities. What‘s more, having suitable relaxation can help us prepare better for the following week‘s work. In a word, I think students should have suitable relaxation on Saturdays.

第15篇 读写任务(双语报第5 期)

Advertising can help increase the sales of products. The more frequently a certain product appears in advertisements, the more famous it becomes. Therefore, the author thinks that powerful advertisements mean high sales.


As we all know, advertisements on all kinds of mass media have been developing very fast in recent years. Current media, such as TV programs, websites, newspapers and radio programs, usually consist of all kinds of advertisements. Advertisements provide people with a lot of information about the latest products. And most people rely on them to choose goods. However, there are still some problems about advertisements, such as false ads.


Though I might be deeply impressed by some advertisements, I don‘t think I will be convinced to buy a product that isn‘t suitable for my needs and my budget. In a word, my major consideration while buying something is the quality of the product, not the brand or the advertisement.


Therefore, I think what producers should do is to invest more money to promote the quality of their product, not to spend too much money on advertisements.

第16篇 基础写作(双语报第5 期)

A photography training class will be held in our school from July 20 to August 10 in order to develop students‘ skills and make the school life colorful. Lectures will be given by a famous photographer, Li Ming, in Room 301 of the teaching building and the training class will only cost you 800 Yuan. Lectures will be given in the morning, and in the afternoon students will practise photography. Students of Senior One and Senior Two in our school are welcome to attend the class. Those who would like to attend the training class can phone the number 58899603 from 9 am to 5 pm. (dial 58899603 from 9 pm to 5 am; call at 58899603 from 9 pm to 5 am; give us a call from 9 pm to 5 am, and the number is 58899603)

第17篇 基础写作(双语报第7 期)


项目 男生(33人) 女生(10人) 一日三餐在家或学校食堂吃饭 39% 78% 主要吃快餐或包装食品 52% 17% 其它 9% 5% 共识 外出吃饭不健康,应少去 购买包装食品要看清日期和说明





Last Tuesday, we did a survey among 43 students in our class on “Eating Safely”. (Last Tuesday, our class held a class meeting on the topic "Eating Safely" and at the meeting we did a survey among 43 students on the topic. )According to the survey, 39% of the boys have three meals a day at home or at school and so do 78% of the girls. 52% of the boys mostly have fast food or food in bags and it’s the same with 17% of the girls. At the meeting, we all agreed not to eat out often because at the restaurant there is also some unsafe food. Also, when buying the food in bags, we should read instructions and dates carefully to make sure that the food is safe.

we should read instructions and dates carefully

第18篇 读写任务(双语报第5 期)

The passage introduces new research that a good reader is more likely to achieve academic success than a weak reader. The author concludes reading can help readers develop reading competence. (Words:30)

你喜欢读什么样的书。In my spare time I always read some great works of literature, such as Red and Black, War and Peace and Jane Eyre. The delicate language, the wonderful plot, and the vivid characters make me addicted to these works. Also, I’m interested in books about science as I can learn more about the world by digesting them.


As we all know, reading makes a full man。Reading really helps me a lot in academic learning, such as how to write a composition more logically and attractively. What’s more, I often come across some new vocabularies in texts that I have already known from some books. So I really think that reading does help me a lot in my studies.

读书给你带来的其它收获。However, the benefits that reading brings to me are far more than these. It helps me build up my character, teaches me what is right and what is wrong. It is reading that helps me broaden my horizons. Reading gradually guides me to become a man with good manners. Besides, reading helps me become an independent thinker, which is beneficial to me all my life.

Books are my best friends and I love books forever.

第19-1篇 基础写作—治堵方案大家谈(第三次摸底测试)

Recently we have had a heated discussion about how to solve the city traffic jams and the serious pollution. First of all, in order to solve the problems, it is suggested that we shouldn’t drive our private cars if it is not very necessary, and that people should share a car with others when necessary. As for the government, it is supposed that the government should try to improve the public transport system in order to make it more convenient for citizens. Also, some people suggest that the government should build more green lanes so as to encourage more people to ride bikes. These ways will help not only save money, time and energy but also protect the environment.


Recently we have had a heated discussion about how to solve the city traffic jams and the serious city pollution. First of all, in order to solve the problems, some of us suggest that we shouldn’t drive our private cars too often if it is not very necessary, and that people should share a car with others when necessary. As for the government, some suggest that the government should try to improve the public transport system in order to make it more convenient for citizens. Also, some people suggest that the government should build more green lanes in order to encourage more people to ride bikes. Only in these ways can we save money, time and energy and protect the environment.

第19-3篇 基础写作—治堵方案大家谈(第三次摸底测试)

Nowadays we find that traffic jams and air pollution are becoming more and more serious, so in order to solve the problems recently we put forward several solutions to solve traffic jams . First of all, we should drive private cars less and try to share a car with others when necessary. In addition,some suggest that the government should try to improve the public transport system in order to make it more convenient for citizens Also, it is suggested that the government should build more green lanes so as to encourage more people to ride bikes. If we can put these solutions into practice, we can not only save money, time and energy but also protect the environment.

第二节 读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)









In li Hua’s speech he said in Germany a Chinese student with great academic achievements couldn’t find a job because of his dishonesty. The story shows us that honesty is important in our life.(W:34)

2) An overseas Chinese student in Germany, who had excellent academic achievements, couldn‘t find a job, because he had ever skipped buying subway tickets. The story shows honesty is very important.(W:30)

3)Being dishonest, an overseas Chinese student in Germany, failed to find a job in Germany although he had great academic achievements at college. The speech is to tell us the importance of honesty.(W:33)

(1)你读后的感受; After reading the story, I feel very sorry for the student who ruined his promising future just for some short-term benefits.From the story, we know that honesty plays an important role in our life. Without the quality of honesty, one can‘t get real success.


The story reminds me of my friend‘s experience.


I have learn a lot from my friend‘s experience.

第20篇 读写任务—(第三次摸底测试)

( 概述要点:演讲;留学生不诚实的行为及后果;故事说明的道理。)

The speech tells us a true story about a Chinese student in Germany, who had great academic performances. But he was refused by several companies because of his dishonesty. It shows the importance of honesty in life.(W:37)


After reading the speech, I can‘t help begging to think more about honesty, so I learn a lot from the speech. Honesty is necessary for us all in modern society. Without this quality, like the student above, success could never be attained.(W:29)


And the story reminds me of one of my friend‘s experience. Once when he was preparing for the final-examinations, he happened to see the test paper in the teachers‘ office. Struggling for a while, he went to the teachers‘ office and told the truth. His honesty and bravery to tell the truth impressed the teachers very much and brought him good reputation in school. It is honesty that made him a golden-hearted person.(W:74)

(3)谈谈你从中悟出的道理(重申文章主题) (Honesty is the best policy)

It is true that dishonesty may sometimes bring us benefits in a short term. However, honesty is the best policy and we should know that honesty is the best quality. Honesty is a high-valued quality which will contribute to great success in our lives.( W:33)

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