
竭尽所能英语单词怎么说 幼稚的英文单词正确表达

竭尽所能英语单词怎么说 幼稚的英文单词正确表达

puerile 英 [ˈpjʊəraɪl] 美 [ˈpjʊrəl] adj. 幼稚的;孩子气的;未成熟的;天真的

考点1:adj.幼稚的,不成熟的: immature; lacking in adult experience or maturity

■e.g.puerile remarks 幼稚的评论

■同: adolescent, green, immature, puerile, unfledged, unformed, unripened

■反: adult, experienced, grown-up, mature, ripe, sagacious 睿智的,成熟的

thwart英 [θwɔːt] 美 [θwɔːrt]vt. 挫败;反对;阻碍;横过 adj. 横放的;固执的 n. 划手座;独木舟的横梁 adv. 横过 prep. 横过

考点1:vt.阻挠: to oppose successfully

■e.g.She did all she could to thwart his plans.她竭尽所能阻挠他的计划。

■同: baffle, balk, checkmate, discomfit

■反: advance, cultivate, encourage, forward, foster, further, nurture, promote, support, aid, bolster, abet, foment, facilitate促进,支持

foreground 英 [ˈfɔːɡraʊnd] 美 [ˈfɔːrɡraʊnd]n. 前景;最显著的位置

考点1:vt.强调,重视: to indicate the importance of by centering attention on

■e.g.He repeatedly foregrounded his experience in international affairs in the course of his campaign for the presidency.在他竞选总统的过程中,他一再强调自己在处理国际事务方面的经验。

■同: accent, accentuate, emphasize, feature, highlight, illuminate, press, punctuate, stress

■反: de-emphasize, understate, play down 轻描淡写

convey 英 [kənˈveɪ] 美 [kənˈveɪ]vt. 传达;运输;让与

考点1:vt.运输: to take or carry from one place to another; transport

■e.g.goods conveyed by sea 海路运输的货物

■同: carry, transfer, ferry, transmit

考点2:v.传递,交流: to impart or communicate by statement, suggestion, gesture, or appearance

■e.g.struggling to convey his feelings挣扎着表达他的情感

■同: conduct, communicate, impart, pass on

■反: withhold隐瞒

montage 英 [ˌmɒnˈtɑːʒ; ˈmɒntɑːʒ] 美 [ˌmɑːnˈtɑːʒ] n. 蒙太奇(电影的基本结构手段和叙事方式);混合画,拼集的照片

考点1:n.大杂烩: an unorganized collection or mixture of various things

■e.g.My memories of the childhood trip are a montage of the sights of two rivers, smells of hotpots, and sounds of light railway of Chongqing.我孩提时代旅行的记忆就是由两江风光、火锅的香味以及重庆的轻轨声杂糅而成的

■同: agglomerate, collage, hodgepodge, medley, motley, salad, variety

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