
三月三日英语怎么说 准备做某事的英文单词怎么表达

三月三日英语怎么说 准备做某事的英文单词怎么表达

1. May the thirteenth 五月十三日

2. next Tuesday 下个星期二

3. next year 明年

4. next week 下一周

5. How do you plan to celebrate it? 你打算怎么庆祝?

6. Plan to 动词原形 sth. 打算/准备做某事

7. want to do sth 想做某事

8. have a birthday party 开个生日聚会

9. would you like to come?你想参加吗?

10. I`d love to 我非常乐意去

11. work alone 独立练习

12. what day is it today?今天是星期几?

13. what`s the date today? 今天是几号?

14. January first 一月一日

15. February second 二月二日

16. March third 三月三日

17. April fourth 四月四日

18. May fifth 五月五日

19. June sixth 六月六日

20. July seventh 七月七日

21. August eighth 八月八日

22. September ninth 九月九日

23. October tenth 十月十日

24. November eleventh 十一月十一日

25. December twelfth 十二月十二日

26. All the rest have thirty-one其余都是31

27. But February`s all alone除了二月不一样

28. be born 出生

29.in 用于周月季节年,泛指上、下午、晚;

30. on 用于星期,某日,某一天的上午、下午(具体某一天时,常用on)

31. nineteen hundred 1900年

32. Nineteen o four 1904年

33. Nineteen seventy-six 1976年

34. two thousand 2000年

35. two thousand and two 2002年

36. Kangkang`s birthday 康康的生日

37. a model plane 一个飞机模型

38. guess again 再猜一下

39. what`s the shape of your present ?= what shape is your present?


40. It`s round 它是圆的

41. what color 什么颜色

42. black and white 黑白相间

43. a soccer ball 一个足球

44. Have a look 看一看

45. Have a rest 休息一会儿

46. Have a swim 游泳

47. Have a walk 散步

48. I`m afraid--- 恐怕--- ---

49. look like 看起来像

50. looks like a flower看起来像一朵花

51. just now 刚才

52. a moment ago 刚才

53. a circle 一个圆形

54. a square 一个正方形

55. a triangle一个三角形

56. a rectangle 一个长方形

57. an oval 一个椭圆形

58. How wide 多宽

59. How far 多远

60. How long 多长

61. How often 多久一次(频率)

62. How soon 多久

63. 10 centimeters long 10厘米长

64. 6.4 centimeters wide 6.4厘米宽

65. Use--- for --- 用 ---- 做 ---

66. what do we use it for?


67. we use it to study English .


68. must be 一定是

69. An English Learning Machine


70. was born on May 22nd ,1967


71. Tomorrow is her birthday


72. his daughter 他的女儿

73. are planning to celebrate it


74. would like to do sth = want to do sth


75. cook a special dinner做一顿特别的晚餐

76. wants to buy 想要买

77. a beautiful light blue dress


78. buy a birthday cake买一个生日蛋糕

79. some candles 一些蜡烛

80. That would be a surprise for Mrs.Brown 对布朗太太来说那将是一个惊喜

81. want to celebrate the birthday at home 想在家庆祝生日

82. make a birthday cake at home


83. Buy some candles for her mother


84. cook a big dinner 做一顿大餐

85. make a cake 做一蛋糕

86. buy some flowers 买一些共

87. make a birthday 做一张生日卡片

88. do some cleaning 做扫除

89. sing a song 唱一首歌

90. When were you born?你什么时候出生的?

91. Where were you born?你在什么地方出生的

92. What`s your favorite present?



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