
积极思考的英语怎么说 Think positive中文翻译是什么意思怎么读

积极思考的英语怎么说 Think positive中文翻译是什么意思怎么读

Think positive积极思考

Vocabulary: mental health 词汇:心理健康

美国的一项研究发现,如果你想长寿,想活得快活,那么你需要积极乐观的生活态度!但是积极的心态并不总是与生俱来的。 提供一些关于如何改变思维定势,去思考生活中美好事物的建议。

How are you feeling today? If your head’s in a spin because you’ve had a bad night‘s sleep, or you’re hungover, or maybe you’ve just got too much to do, the chances are you’re not in the best of moods. If everything seems like an effort and you have a negative attitude, the

last thing you want to be told it to ‘be positive!’ But having this mindset could have more benefits than you think.

你今天感觉如何?如果你 因为一夜 睡眠不好而头晕目眩,或者你宿醉,或者你有太多事情要做,那么你的心情很可能不是最好的。如果一切看起来都是一种努力,而你的 态度是消极的,那么你最不想被告知“要积极!” 但是拥有这种 心态 可能比您想象的要多。

Of course, developing a positive attitude is easier said than done – it doesn’t

come naturally to everyone. When you’re feeling down in the dumps, it is hard to be optimistic. But a study in the US has found that people who are optimists are more likely to live longer than those who have a more negative approach to life. It revealed the likelihood of positive people living to the age of 85 or more to be higher. So, maybe the thought of a longer life might encourage you to have a more hopeful outlook on life.

当然,培养积极的态度说起来容易做起来难——这并不是 每个人都自然而然 的。当你情绪 低落时,很难 乐观。但美国的一项研究发现, 乐观的人 比那些生活态度更消极的人更有可能活得更长。它揭示了积极乐观的人活到 85 岁以上的可能性更高。所以,也许长寿的想法可能会鼓励你对生活有更充满希望的 看法 。

The study concluded that optimists may find it easier to control emotions and

get less stressed. And as stress impacts on the immune system, it’s possible

that optimists cope better with infections. Professor Lewina Lee from Boston University School of Medicine, who worked on the study, told the BBC that: "Our findings speak to the possibility that raising levels of optimism may promote longevity

and healthy ageing." And she advises that pessimists could benefit from doing

things like imagining a future where everything turns out well.

该研究得出的结论是,乐观主义者可能会发现自己更容易控制 情绪 并减少压力。由于压力会影响免疫系统,乐观主义者可能会更好地应对感染。参与这项研究的波士顿大学医学院的 Lewina Lee 教授告诉 BBC:“我们的研究结果表明,提高乐观水平可能会促进 长寿 和健康老龄化。” 她建议 悲观主义者 可以从做一些事情中受益,比如想象一个一切都会好起来的未来。

But if you’re a ‘glass half empty’ type of person, could seeing the world through rose-tinted glasses work for you? Accepting that we all have problems and that we’re not all the same helps us to get a grip on our emotions. Some people say it’s best to celebrate the positives and not dwell on the negative parts of our


但是,如果你是一个“玻璃杯半空”的人,通过 玫瑰色眼镜看世界 对你有用吗?接受我们都有问题并且我们并不完全相同,这有助于我们 控制 自己的情绪。有人说最好庆祝 积极的一面 ,而不是沉迷于我们生活的消极部分

People have being giving the BBC their personal advice on keeping a healthy and positive approach to life: Vicki Siska says "Music feeds my soul, a sense of

humour keeps things in perspective, and I have good friends who love and care for me." And Pippa Kennedy says "being grateful for what you have - and lots of chocolate - helps!" The saying goes that ‘a healthy body leads a healthy mind’ which is probably why other people have recommended doing yoga and

meditation as well as staying fit and healthy to help maintain a positive outlook on life.

人们一直在向 BBC 提供关于保持健康和积极的生活方式的个人建议:Vicki Siska 说:“音乐滋养我的灵魂, 幽默感 让事情变得 清晰,我有好朋友爱我,关心我。” 皮帕肯尼迪说“感谢你所拥有的——还有很多巧克力——会有所帮助!” 俗话说“健康的身体引领健康的头脑”,这可能就是为什么其他人建议做 瑜伽 和 冥想 以及保持身体健康以帮助保持积极的人生观的原因。


head’s in a spin 晕头转向negative attitude 消极态度

mindset 思维模式

come naturally 天生的,自然得来

down in the dumps 情绪低落,心情郁闷

optimistic 乐观的

optimist 乐观的人,乐天派

outlook 人生观

emotion 情绪

longevity 长寿

pessimist 悲观主义者

glass half empty 水杯一半是空的(指看事物或问题时看到更多坏的一面的人)

rose-tinted glasses “玫瑰色的眼镜”,只看到事物好的方面get a grip 控制,掌控positives 正面的事物

sense of humour 幽默感

in perspective 正确地看待……

yoga 瑜伽

meditation 冥思


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. According to a study, what is the benefit of having a positive attitude?

2. Why might an optimistic person get less stressed?

3. According to the study, who should start imagining a future that turns out well?

4. True or false? A ‘glass half full’ type of person tends to focus on celebrating the positive things in life.

5. Why might jogging regularly help you maintain a positive outlook on life?

2. 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思恰当的单词填入句子中的空格处。

1. Learning English doesn’t _______ to me – that’s why I’ve been going to evening classes to learn it for years!

get a grip

come naturally


negative attitude

2. I want a long and happy retirement so I’m giving up smoking in attempt to improve my health and _______.




rose-tinted glasses

3. I’m feeling very _______ after my girlfriend split up with me and I lost my job.

down on the dumps

down in the dumped

down in the dumps

down at the dump

4. Keep things in _______ - you didn’t get the exam grades you were expecting but you got enough to earn a place at university!





5. Mr brother has a _______ attitude – he always thinks his friends are more successful than he is!

glass half full

glass half empty

full glass half

glass half emptying


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. According to a study, what is the benefit of having a positive attitude?A study in the US has found that people who are optimists are more likely to live longer than those who have a more negative approach to life.

2. Why might an optimistic person get less stressed?The study concluded that optimists may find it easier to control emotions and get less stressed.

3. According to the study, who should start imagining a future that turns out well?One of the study’s conclusions was that pessimists could benefit from doing things like imagining a future where everything turns out well.

4. True or false? A ‘glass half full’ type of person tends to focus on celebrating the positive things in life.True. Someone with a glass half FULL is an optimist and more likely to celebrate the positive things in life.

5. Why might jogging regularly help you maintain a positive outlook on life?Some people say that ‘a healthy body leads a healthy mind’ so staying fit by jogging, for example, helps you maintain a positive mind set.

2. 请在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。选择一个意思恰当的单词填入句子中的空格处。

1. Learning English doesn’t come naturallyto me – that’s why I’ve been going to evening classes to learn it for years!

2. I want a long and happy retirement so I’m giving up smoking in attempt to improve my health and longevity.

3. I’m feeling very down in the dumps after my girlfriend split up with me and I lost my job.

4. Keep things in perspective- you didn’t get the exam grades you were expecting but

you got enough to earn a place at university!

5. Mr brother has a glass half emptyattitude – he always thinks his friends are more successful than he is!

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