
好爸爸的英语单词是什么 我的父亲英语怎么写正确读法

好爸爸的英语单词是什么 我的父亲英语怎么写正确读法

Mary Alice Voiceover:"The world is filled withgood fathers. How do we recognize them? They‘re the ones who are missed soterribly thateverything falls apartin their absence."


Mary Alice Voiceover:"They‘re the ones who love us, long beforewe‘ve even arrived."


Mary Alice Voiceover:"They‘re the ones who come looking for us when we can‘t find our way home."


Tom: "Hey, what‘s wrong?"


Lynette: "Because of me, my son‘s imaginary friend got crushed by a garbage truck. I am the worst person in the world."


Mary Alice Voiceover:"Yes, the world is filled with good fathers."


Tom: "Honey, he is gonna get over this in no time. Trust me. And one day, when he is all grown up, you and Parker are gonna laugh hystericallyabout this."


Lynette: "You really think so? Really?"


Mary Alice Voiceover:"And the best are the ones who make the women in their lives-"


Tom: "I promise."我保证。

Mary Alice Voiceover:"-feel like good mothers."


  • be filled with 充满,装满
  • so...that... 如此......以至于....结果状语从句
  • fall apart散开,破碎,崩溃
  • in one‘s absence=during one‘s absence 在某人不在时
  • get crushed 压碎
  • get over 忘却,克服(困难),解决(难题)
  • hysterically [hɪs‘tɛrɪkli] adv.歇斯底里地

  • Mary Alice Voiceover:"The world is filled with good fathers. How do we recognize them? They‘re the ones who are missed so terribly that everything falls apart in their absence."
  • Mary Alice Voiceover:"They‘re the ones who love us, long before we‘ve even arrived."
  • Mary Alice Voiceover:"They‘re the ones who come looking for us when we can‘t find our way home."
  • Tom: "Hey, what‘s wrong?"
  • Lynette: "Because of me, my son‘s imaginary friend got crushed by a garbage truck. I am the worst person in the world."
  • Mary Alice Voiceover:"Yes, the world is filled with good fathers."
  • Tom: "Honey, he is gonna get over this in no time. Trust me. And one day, when he is all grown up, you and Parker are gonna laugh hysterically about this."
  • Lynette: "You really think so? Really?"
  • Mary Alice Voiceover:"And the best are the ones who make the women in their lives-"
  • Tom: "I promise."
  • Mary Alice Voiceover:"-feel like good mothers."
  • 玛丽.艾莉丝:这世界上到处都有好爸爸,我们如何能认出他们?他们总被大家强烈地思念着以至于他们不在时家不成家。 玛丽.艾莉丝:在我们未出世前,他们就爱着我们。 玛丽.艾莉丝:在我们迷失方向,找不到回家的路时,他们总会出来寻找我们。 汤姆:怎么啦? 勒奈特:因为我,我儿子的想像朋友被垃圾车碾成碎片。我是这世界上最差劲的人了。 玛丽.艾莉丝:是的,世界上有很多好爸爸。 汤姆:亲爱的,相信我,他很快就会走出悲伤的。等到有一天,他长大了,你和帕克一定会为这件事大笑不已的。 勒奈特:你真的这么想的?真的? 玛丽.艾莉丝:而最好的爸爸,能使自己的伴侣相信 汤姆:我保证。 玛丽.艾莉丝:也觉得自己是个好妈妈。
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