
抚摸的英文怎么表达 和pet有关的idioms的例句解析

抚摸的英文怎么表达 和pet有关的idioms的例句解析


Pet vt. 抚摸 (现在分词 petting,过去分词、过去时 petted)

Petting dogs (Source: cavas images/getty)

petting cats

例句:I quite like petting my dogs. 我很喜欢抚摸我的狗狗们。

Petting dogs can be a good stress reliever. 抚摸狗狗是个很好的解压方式。

The cats came to be petted. 猫猫跑过来想得到抚摸。


1. pet name, 可别理解为宠物的名字哦,真正的意思是指人的小名,乳名,爱称,例句:Please stop calling my pet name! I have been 20 years old! 请不要叫我小名了,我已经20岁了!

2. in a pet, 生闷气,例句:She is in a pet, so don‘t bother her. 她在生闷气,所以不要招惹她。

3. pet peeve| piːv |, 特别讨厌的东西,例句:Broccoli is one of my pet peeves. 西蓝花是我讨厌的东西之一。

4. fight like cat(s) and dog(s),表面意思是像猫狗一样打架,其实是用来形容人与人之间争论不休,吵个不停,例句:My older brother and I used to fight like cat and dog when we were young and my mother was used to it. 我和我哥小时候经常吵架,我妈已经习惯了。

5. rains cats and dogs, 瓢泼大雨,例句:It is raining cats and dogs. 外面正在下大雨。

6. I‘m a cat/dog person,我是喵星人/汪星人的铲屎官(自豪脸)。


Daniel Radcliffe

7. dog-eat-dog,竞争激烈的,人吃人的社会,这个词是指社会残酷,人们为了成功不择手段,包括伤害别人,例句:It is a dog-eat-dog out there. 外面社会很残酷。

8. cat‘s eyes,马路上用的反光石,Cambridege Dictionary: small pieces of glass or plastic that are put along the middle and sometimes the sides of a road, to reflect the lights of a car, in order to show the driver where to drive when it is dark.

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