
滥用英语的例子怎么说 英语常用词汇和例句讲解

滥用英语的例子怎么说 英语常用词汇和例句讲解

英语常用词汇和例句讲解 abuse misuse

abusev. make bad or wrong use of (sth) 滥用﹑ 妄用(某事物)

abuse one‘s authority滥用权威

abuse one‘s position 滥用职权

abuse a privilege滥用特权

abuse alcohol 滥用酒精

abuse drugs滥用麻醉药品

Politicians should beware of the abuse of power. 从政的人应该警惕,不得滥用权力。

Some officials abuse their power and treat people with contempt /kənˈtempt/. 一些官员滥用权力,盛气凌人地对待人民。

abusev. treat (sb) badly; exploit 虐待某人; 剥削

a much abused wife 备受虐待的妻子

abusev. speak insultingly to or about (sb); attack in words 说(某人的)坏话; 辱骂; 诋毁

She abused him for his neglect. 她痛骂他的疏忽。

abusen. wrong or bad use or treatment of sth/sb 对某事物[某人]的滥用﹑ 妄用或虐待

drug abuse 滥用麻醉药品

child abuse 虐待儿童

abuse of sth: n. wrong or bad use of sth 对某事物的滥用﹑妄用

an abuse of trust辜负别人的信任

abuse of privilege滥用特权

abuse of authority滥用权力

misusev. use (sth) in the wrong way or for the wrong purpose 误用, 滥用(某事物)

misuse a word, expression, etc. 误用一词﹑ 词组等

misuse public funds 滥用公共基金

misusev treat (sb/sth) badly 虐待, 苛待(某人); 糟蹋(某事物)

He felt misused by the company. 他觉得受到公司苛待。

misusen. (instance of) wrong or incorrect use 误用; 滥用

the misuse of power滥用权力

the misuse of authority滥施权威

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