
67的英语怎么说 小学必背单词基数词和序数词

67的英语怎么说 小学必背单词基数词和序数词


数词表示数目多少戒顺序多少的词叫数词,数词分为基数词和序数词。表示数目多少的数词叫 基数词;表示顺序的数词叫序数词。

1基数词 基数词:1 one  2 two  3 three  4 four  5 five  6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty 21 twenty-one 22 twenty-two 23 twenty-three 24 twenty-four 25 twenty-five 26 twenty-six 27 twenty-seven 28 twenty-eight 29 twenty-nine 30 thirty 31 thirty-one 32 thirty-two 33 thirty-three 34 thirty-four 35 thirty-five 36 thirty-six 37 thirty-seven 38 thirty-eight 39 thirty-nine 40 forty 41 forty-one 42 forty-two 43 forty-three 44 forty-four 45 forty-five 46 forty-six 47 forty-seven 48 forty-eight 49 forty-nine 50 fifty 51 fifty-one 52 fifty-two 53 fifty-three 54 fifty-four 55 fifty-five 56 fifty-six 57 fifty-seven 58 fifty-eight 59 fifty-nine 60 sixty 61 sixty-one 62 sixty-two 63 sixty-three 64 sixty-four 65 sixty-five 66 sixty-six 67 sixty-seven 68 sixty-eight 69 sixty-nine 70 seventy 71 seventy-one 72 seventy-two 73 seventy-three 74 seventy-four 75 seventy-five 76 seventy-six 77 seventy-seven 78 seventy-eight 79 seventy-nine 80 eighty 81 eighty-one 82 eighty-two 83 eighty-three 84 eighty-four 85 eighty-five 86 eighty-six 87 eighty-seven 88 eighty-eight 89 eighty-nine 90 ninety 91 ninety-one 92 ninety-two 93 ninety-three 94 ninety-four 95 ninety-five 96 ninety-six 97 ninety-seven 98 ninety-eight 99 ninety-nine 100 one hundred 2下面把100以内的基数词分为四类。 1)第一类:one 一 two 二 three 三 four 四 five 五 six 六 seven 七 eight 八 nine 九ten 十 eleven 十一 twelve 十二 这一类共计十二个单词,在结构上与其他的基数词相比较是特殊的,就象不规则的动词一样,要求逐个的硬背下来,这对学好其他的基数词和序数词都是及其重要的。 2)、第二类: thirteen 十三 fourteen 十四 fifteen 十五 sixteen 十六 seventeen 十七eighteen 十八 nineteen 十九 这一类基数词共有七个。它们在结构上有两个特点:一是在发音方面都有两个重音;二是在拼法上都有后缀-teen。除了thirteen和 fifteen之外,都是纯粹地在另一个基数词的后面加上后缀-teen。但要注意eighteen的拼法,eight本身有t字母,因此只加-een 3、第三类: twenty 二十 thirty 三十 forty 四十 fifty 五十 sixty 六十seventy 七十 eighty 八十 ninety 九十 这类基数词共有八个。都是十位的整数,均以后缀-ty结尾。其中sixty、seventy、eighty、ninety基本上是在相应的基数词后面加上后缀-ty。但要注意eighty的拼法,eight本身有t字母,因此只加-y。 4、第四类: 这一类和很简单,可以看成是一种合成词。其结构方式是:用十位整数加上个位整数,其间用连字符号“-”连接,表示“几十几”。这类基数词的变化都是规则的。如: twenty-one 二十一 forty-six 四十六 seventy-eight 七十八 ninety-five 九十五

3基数词记忆规则口诀:基数词不难记,找出规律很容易;零至十二形各异,一个一个单独记。13以后加-teen为十几,thirteen,fifteen看仔细,eighteen只有一个t;二十至九十加-ty, twenty 却是很奇怪,forty本身也不乖,跟着也把规则坏,thirty,fifty更厉害,和eighty一起搞例外;十位后面是个位,表示数字“几十几”连字符号莫丢弃,要表“几百几十几”and常把百、十系。还有一项须注意,“几百”后别把-s立;巧学妙记加练习,hundred就是你的好成绩。

二序数词 第1 first 1st 第2 second 2nd 第3 third 3rd 第4 fourth 4th 第5 fifth 5th 第6 sixth 6th 第7 seventh 7th 第8 eighth 8th 第9 ninth 9th 第10tenth10th 第11 eleventh 11th 第12 twelfth 12th 第13 thirteenth 13th

第14 fourteenth 14th 第15 fifteenth 15th 第16 sixteenth 16th

第17 seventeenth 17th 第18 eighteenth 18th 第19 nineteenth 19th

第20 twentieth 20th 第21 twenty-first 21st 第22 twenty-second 22nd

第23 twenty-third 23rd 第24 twenty-fourth 24th 第25 twenty-fifth 25th

第26 twenty-sixth 26th 第27 twenty-seventh 27th 第28 twenty-eighth 28th

第29 twenty-ninth 29th 第30 thirtieth 30th 第31 thirty-first 31st

第32 thirty-second 第33 thirty-third 第34 thirty-fourth 第35 thirty-fifth 第36 thirty-sixth 第37 thirty-seventh 第38 thirty-eighth 第39 thirty-ninth 第40 fortieth 第41 forty-first 第42 forty-second 第43 forty-third

第44 forty-fourth 第45 forty-fifth 第46 forty-sixth 第47 forty-seventh

第48 forty-eighth 第49 forty-ninth 第50 fiftieth 第51 fifty-first

第52 fifty-second 第53 fifty-third 第54 fifty-fourth 第55 fifty-fifth

第56 fifty-sixth 第57 fifty-seventh 第58 fifty-eighth 第59 fifty-ninth 第60 sixtieth 第61 sixty-first 第62 sixty-second 第63 sixty-third

第64 sixty-fourth 第65 sixty-fifth 第66 sixty-sixth 第67 sixty-seventh 第68 sixty-eighth 第69 sixty-ninth 第70 seventieth 第71 seventy-first 第72 seventy-second 第73 seventy-third 第74 seventy-fourth

第75 seventy-fifth 第76 seventy-sixth 第77 seventy-seventh

第78 seventy-eighth 第79 seventy-ninth 第80 eightieth 第81 eighty-first 第82 eighty-second 第83 eighty-third 第84 eighty-fourth 第85 eighty-fifth 第86 eighty-sixth 第87 eighty-seventh 第88 eighty-eighth 第89 eighty-ninth 第90 ninetieth 第91 ninety-first 第92 ninety-second 第93 ninety-third 第94 ninety-fourth 第95 ninety-fifth 第96 ninety-sixth 第97 ninety-seventh第98 ninety-eighth 第99 ninety-ninth 第100 one hundredth

下面把1-99的序数词也分为四个类。 1、第一类 first (1st) 第一 second (2nd) 第二 third (3rd) 第三 (在括号里的是缩写形式,均在阿拉伯数字后面加上相应序数词的最后两个字母构成,以下各类与此相同。)这类序数词只有三个,在整个序数词里面是特殊的,就和第一类基数词一样,需要逐个地硬记下来。 2、第二类:fourth (4th) 第四 fifth (5th) 第五 sixth (6th) 第六 seventh (7th) 七 eighth (8th) 第八 ninth (9th) 第九 tenth (10th) 第十 eleventh (11th) 第十一 twelfth (12th) 第十二 thirteenth (13th) 第十三 fourteenth (14th) 第十四 fifteenth (15th) 第十五 sixteenth (16th) 第十六 seventeenth (17th) 第十七 eighteenth (18th) 第十八 nineteenth (19th) 第十九 这一类序数词共有十六个。均在相应的基数词后面加上后缀-th构成。要注意其中fifth、eighth、ninth、twelth四个词的拼法。 3、第三类: twentieth (20th) 第二十 thirtieth (30th) 第三十

fortieth (40th) 第四十 fiftieth (50th) 第五十 sixtieth (60th) 第六十 seventieth (70th) 第七十 eightieth (80th) 第八十 ninetieth (90th) 第九十 这一类全是十位整数的序数词,共八个。它们的构成方法是:先将相应的十位整数的基数词词尾-ty中的y改成i,然后在加上后缀-eth。 4、第四类: thirty-first (31th) 第三十一 sixty-second (62nd) 第六十二

eighty-seventh (87th) 第八十七 ninety-eighth (98th) 第九十八 这类表示“第几十几”的序数词,跟表示“几十几”的基数词一样简单。在构成方法上均由基数词“几十几”变化而来,十位数不变,仅把个位上的基数词变成序数词就行了


一、二、三,单独记;八去t,九除e, ve要用f替,整十基数变序数,先把ty变成tie;要是遇到两位数,十位基数个位序,th最后加上去。

4分数表示法构成:基数词代表分子,序数词代表分母。分子大于1 时,分子的序数词用单数,分母序 数词用复数如: 1/3 one-third 3/37three thirty-sevenths.


一. 用括号内所给数词的正确形式填空

1. We are in Class________(3).

2. We have________(12)months of the year.December is the _____________(12)one.

3. This is my________(1)bag.

4. My birthday is Dec.________(21).

5. I have________(3)books.I like my________(3) book.


1. Children’s Day(儿童节) is on the________of June(六月).

2. There are________months(月)in a (年).

3. Teacher’s Day(教师节) is on the________of September(九月)

.4. Three plus(加) six is________.


1. My grandmother is_____ old.

A. seventieth B.seventy year C.seventy years D.seventies 2.________people visit this museum every day.

A. Hundred B.Hundreds C.hundred of D.Hundreds of

3There are two ________people in the meeting room.

A. hundred B.hundreds C.hundreds of D.hundred of

4.We can say the number 78,645 in English like this________.

A.seventy-eight thousand and six hundred and forty-five B.seventy-eight thousand six hundred and forty five C.seventy-eight thousand six hundred and forty-five D.seventy eight thousand six hundred and forty-five

5.Monday is the second day,and________

.A.Tuesday is the fourth B.Thursday is fifth C.the second day is Tuesday D.the second day is Thursday

6. “The year 1999”should be read(应该读作)“The year _____.”

A. nineteen and ninety-nine B.nineteen ninety-nine C.one thousand nine hundred ninety-nine D.nineteen hundred and ninety-nine

7. There are ________months in a year.December is the ________month of the year.

A.twelve; twelve B.twelve; twelfth C.twelfth; twelve D.twelve; twelveth

8.What’s the date today?It is ________.

A.Friday B.time to go C.cloudy D.June 4th

9.What is five and eight?A.Twelve B.Thirteen C.Fourteen D.Fifteen 10.What _________is Lily in?She is in________.

A.Row; row five B.Row; Row Five C.row; Row Five D.row; row Five 11.There are ___________ days in a year.

A.three hundred and sixty five B.three hundred and sixty-five C.three hundreds and sixty five D.three hundreds and sixty-five

12.Danny lives in __________.

A.room 404 B.Room 404 C.404 room D.404 Room

13.Jim is in __________.

A.class one,grade six B.grade one,class six C.Class One,Grade Six D.Grade One, Class Six

14.The bike cost me _________ yuan.

A.five hundred forty B.five hundreds fourty C.five hundred and forty D.five hundred fourty

15.My telephone number is ____________.

A.eighty eight two forty four zero nine B.eight eight two double four O nine C.eighty eight two forty-four zero nine D.eight eight two four four zero nine

16.We are learning__________now.

A.the twenty-first lesson B.Lesson Twenty-first C.the 21 th lesson D.Lesson 21 st

17.Mary is _________ girl.

A. an 8 year old B.8一years-old C.the 8 years old D.an 8一year-old

18. ____________people died in the traffic accidents in the world A.Thousand of B.Thousands of C.Ten thousands of D.Ten thousand of

19. This is her___________birthday, I think.

A.twenty B.twentieth C.the twentieth D.the twenty’s

20.There are__________children in the country school.

A.two thousand five hundred and sixty B.two thousands five hundred and sixty C.two thousands five hundreds and sixty D.two thousand five hundreds and sixty

21. ---How many workers are there in your factory?---There are two __________

.A. hundreds B. hundred C. hundred of D. hundreds of

22.-What time do you get up every day?

A.It’s seven o’clock B.Seven o’clock time C.At seven D.On seven

23..Fifty plus__________.

A. fourty is ninety B. forty is ninety C. thirty is ninety D. fifty is ninety 24..There are________students in this school.

A. four hundred fifty-two B. four hundreds fifty two C. four hundred and fifty-two D. four hundreds and fifty-two

25.My home is about___________away from the school.

A. three hundred metre B. three hundreds metres C. three hundred metres D. three hundred metre

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