
从头开始的英语怎么说 那就重新开始吧例句汇总翻译

从头开始的英语怎么说 那就重新开始吧例句汇总翻译

1,from scratch(从头开始)

Julie doesn‘t have to start from scratch now.(Julie不用再从头开始了。)

2,start all over again(重新再来)

All the work Julie has done today is useless. She starts all over again.(Julie今天所做的工作都白费了,她要重新再做一次。)

3,back to square one(回到原点)

Julie doesn‘t want to get sent back to square one.(Julie不想要被打回原点。)

4,bury the old me(抛弃过去)

5,start anew(重新开始)

Julie can bury the old me inand start anew.(Julie可以抛弃过去,重新开始了。)

6,wipe the slate clean(忘掉过去)

7,start afresh(从头再来)

8,start again(重新开始)

Julie decides to start again. Wipe the slate clean and start afresh .(Julie决定重新开始,忘掉过去,从头再来!)

9,Let bygones be bygones .(让过去的事情过去吧!/冰释前嫌)

10,turn a new leaf(翻篇;痛改前非)

Julie decides to turn a new leaf and work hard for her family.(Julie决定痛改前非,为了她的家人努力工作。)

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