
算式英文怎么说 加减乘除的表达法和读法标准

算式英文怎么说 加减乘除的表达法和读法标准


1、加法算式-数字 plus/and 数字 is/are/equal(s)/make(s) 得数 (谓语动词用单复数皆可)

3 12=15 Three and/plus twelve is/are fifteen.

2、减法算式-被减数 minus 减数 is/equals/leaves 得数 (谓语动词必须用单数)

16-8=8 sixteen minus eight is eight.

Ten minus five is five. 10减5等于五。

1、 乘法算式

被乘数 times 乘数 is/are/equal(s)/make(s) 得数

被乘数 multiplied by 乘数 is/are/makes/make 得数

3*6=18 three times six is /are eighteen.(乘法算式做主语时,句中的谓语用单复数均可)

Three multiplied by five e makes/make eighteen.

Twenty-three timestwo is forty-six. 23乘以2等于46.

2、 除法算式 (除法算式中谓语动词只能用单数)

被除数 divided by 除数 is/gives/equal(s)/make(s)/goes 得数( and 余数 over)

除数 into 被除数 is/goes 得数( and 余数 over)

20/5=4 twenty divided byfive is/givesfour.=Five into twenty is/goes four.

How much is one hundred divided by ten?100除以10等于多少?


表示事物编号时,常用基数词,有时也可用序数词。用基数词表示时,要将基数词放在被修饰词后;用序数词表示时,要将序数词放在被说明的名词前。即“名词 基数词(首写字母常大写)”或”the 序数词 名词”

第六册-Book Six=the Sixth Book

第九课-Lesson Nine=the Ninth Lesson

三班-Class Three=the Third Class

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