
摆拍的英文单词怎么说 抓拍英语标准读法及例句翻译

摆拍的英文单词怎么说 抓拍英语标准读法及例句翻译



辣妈,拍照时你是打算take a selfie(自拍) and then post it/share it on social media呢?还是take a staged picture/photograph(摆拍),还是take a snapshot(抓拍)?

1. Some people enjoy taking selfies and share them on social media like WeChat,or QQ.

2. But I always take snapshots on my smartphone.

3. What? you like taking a staged photograh?

1) 说“摄影”英语口语:

1. “自拍”就是 we take a picture of ourselves on our smartphone,sometimes with a selfie stick, sometimes without it.不是吗?

2.“摆拍”就是When we take a staged picture, the photograph will prepare for taking it. Everything is well prepared. The picture is not natural.

“摆拍”也叫recreated photograph, or redo,最著名的就是美国二战时在就硫磺岛上几位美国大兵挣扎着树起一面美国国旗。

3.“抓拍”就是When we take/capture a snapshot, we capture an “in-between” moments(瞬间时刻), we catch people unaware and natural(被拍人自然,没有意识到被拍)。

最著名的snapshot就是这幅南越警察局长用左轮手枪枪杀一名犯人的瞬间。枪口气浪把中弹者脸部扭曲的瞬间(in-between moments)都snapshot下来。


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