国家行政机构:administrative organs of the state
管理机构:administrative setup
咨询机构:advisory body /consultative body
辅助机构:auxiliary body
主管机构:competent authorities
政府机构:government body
政府部门:government department
上级机关:higher body
直属机构:independent office
地方机构:local organ
下级机构:lower body
附属机构:subsidiary body
办事机构:working body
总理府:premier’s office
总统府:presidential office/palace
总统官邸:presidential residence
农业部:ministry/department of agriculture
国防部:ministry of national defense/department of defense
教育部:ministry/department of education
外交部:ministry of foreign affairs
司法部:ministry/department of justice
劳动部:ministry/department of labor
财政部:ministry of fiancé/department of treasury
部长助理:assistant minister
国务卿,国务大臣:secretary of state
副部长:vice minister, sub-secretary
市长:mayor/city manager/commissioner
县长:county magistrate/commission chairman
局长:bureau leader
处长:department head
科员:section member/clerk