
六万的英文怎么写及标准读法 英文中数字的表达是什么

六万的英文怎么写及标准读法 英文中数字的表达是什么

A report released by the 21st Century Economic Research Institute on Wednesday analyzed China‘s 17 cities with a GDP surpassing 1 trillion yuan in 2019 in terms of appeal to college students, based on five dimensions: the number of college students on campus, employment, healthcare, education and housing price.

trillion 英[ˈtrɪljən] 美[ˈtrɪljən]

A trillion is a million million.【万亿】1 000 000 000 000(哇好多个零)

那么英文中数字的表达是什么呢? 百 : hundred 千 :one thousand 万:ten thousand 十万:one houndred thousand百万 : one million (百万不再是ten houndred thousand了,还记得百万富翁吗:millionaire) 千万:ten million 亿:one hundred million十亿: one billion 百亿:ten billion 千亿:one hundred billion万亿 :one trillion

surpass, excel, exceed


  • surpass: 多用以强调优点、长处、技能或质量等方面的超过。
  • excel: 指在成绩、成就或学识上胜过他人。
  • exceed: 既可指超出权利、权力的限度、管辖范围,或超过规定的时间范围,又可指在数量、程度或大小等方面的超过。
  • 例句:China has surpassedIndia in both domestic sales and exports.


    His wife excelshim in strategically ability.


    The amount of damages may not exceedthe training expenses paid by the Unit.




    The number of college students on campus in Guangzhou, Zhengzhou and Wuhan exceeds 1 million, and the per capita disposable income in Shanghai and Beijing leads that of other cities.

    disposable 英[dɪˈspəʊzəbl] 美[dɪˈspoʊzəbl]

    available for use 【可动用的;可自由支配的】

    所以per capita disposable income是【人均可支配(税后)收入】

    此外,disposable还可表达made to be thrown away after use 【用后即丢弃的;一次性的】的意思。我们熟悉的一次性筷子:disposable chopsticks;酒店的一次性拖鞋:disposable slippers。



    Meanwhile, Chongqing and Qingdao created the most new urban jobs in 2019 with figures both above 750,000, the report said.Graduates will leave their university‘s city if it lacks enough good job opportunities, said the report, and the city‘s GDP growth, per capita disposable income and new urban jobs are the important factors affecting the employment of college students.


    The housing price in Shanghai is almost four times higher than that in Changsha, but Changsha, Foshan, Wuhan and Ningbo have the prominent advantage that disposable income can obtain more square meters of space when buying a home.

    prominent 英[ˈprɒmɪnənt] 美[ˈprɑːmɪnənt]

    easily seen 【显眼的;显著的;突出的】

    用prominent形容advantage,感觉这个advantage有力了许多。【突出优势】(废话,前面都four times 了能不突出吗哈哈哈)


    Shanghai and Beijing stand out in terms of per capita disposable income, with respective figures of 69,400 yuan and 67,800 yuan in 2019.

    stand out也是【突出,杰出】的意思。

    noted, prominent, outstanding, notorious, eminent, notable


  • noted: 多指因成绩卓著而备受注意的专家或权威及其著作,有时含贬义。
  • prominent: 指出人头地,为公众所熟悉,至少在地方上闻名。
  • outstanding: 侧重指因素质优良,功绩卓著而超过同类的人或物,强调"突出"。
  • notorious: 指因劣迹而臭名昭著,含强烈贬义;但有时也作"众所周知的"解。
  • eminent: 指在某方面杰出卓越或突出的人或物。
  • notable: 用于指事件时,侧重其重要、值得注意;用于指人时,与famous同义,但语气较弱。
  • 例句:British essayist notedforhis trenchant literary criticism. His works include The Characters of Shakespeare‘s Plays ( 1817 ).

    哈兹利特,威廉1778-1830因犀利的文学批评而闻名的英国散文家, 他的作品包括莎士比亚戏剧中的人物 ( 1817年 )

    The girl who won the scholarship was quite outstanding.


    Eminentpainters all at poetry and calligraphy.


    Notableis, billows(巨浪 <pillow枕头>) has market of electronic business affairs again recently.

    值得注意的是, 电子商务市场最近波澜又起.


    Beijing is comfortably ahead of other cities in the supply of primary and secondary education sources, followed by Shanghai, Nanjing, Tianjin and Qingdao.

    comfortably ahead 遥遥领先。

    同义表达还有 took an invincible【不能征服的; 无敌的】lead。(老是要想到一句广告词叫什么遥遥领先,是香飘飘吗)

    primary and secondary education中小学教育


    初中:Junior High

    高中:Senior High



    The number of beds in medical and health institutions in Changsha, Zhengzhou and Chengdu is over 90 per 10,000 people, higher than the number in other cities.


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