
2015四川英语写作素材 高考英文作文范文推荐收藏

2015四川英语写作素材 高考英文作文范文推荐收藏

Hello everyone. Today I am going to start with English writing practice. And this is my first short essay about Sichuan culture. Welcome to my English writing garden.


Sichuan Province sits in the southwest of China. It is said that Sichuan came from the collective name of four local administration regions in the Song Dynasty. Since then, the name has been passed down. The Chinese character Chuan here means flatland or plain. Sichuan is called Shu or Chuan (short for Chinese), it is also named Sichuan Basin because it is surrounded by rolling mountains, like a basin.

The basin area is always foggy, wet with low clouds and has many cloudy days in seasons. That is why Sichuan people like going outdoors to get sunlight on a sunny day. Walking along the streets, public parks, the bank of the river, you‘ll find many residents sitting near a table, chatting together, drinking tea, eating snacks and enjoying the sunshine.

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