
出版的英文怎么说 中考英语必备词组汇总建议收藏

出版的英文怎么说 中考英语必备词组汇总建议收藏


1, hurry up 快点儿

2, come out 出版

3, come up with 提出

4, come true 实现

5, think about 考虑

6, think over 仔细考虑

7, take photos 拍照片

8, play games 玩游戏

9, call for 号召

10, make friends 结交朋友

11, find out 查明

12, look for 寻找

13, talk about 谈论

14, talk with 和。。。谈论

15, talk to 对。。。谈话

16, write down 写下

17, thanks for doing sth 为。。。而感谢你

18, in English 用英语

19, between 。。。and 在。。。中间

20, be friendly to 对。。。友好

21, be good for 对。。。有利

22, be good at 擅长

23, do well in 擅长

24, be famous for 因。。。而出名

25, be famous as 作为。。。而出名

26, be sure about 对。。。肯定

27, from。。。to 从。。。到

28, after school 放学后

29, a pair of 一双

30, next week 下周

31, Children‘s Day 儿童节

32, National Day 国庆节

33, play the piano 弹钢琴

34, get up 起床

35, get dressed 穿上衣服

36, have a shower 洗淋浴

37, do homework 做作业

38, do housework 做家务

39, take a walk 散步

40, go for a walk 散步

41, arrive at (具体的地点)到达

42, arrive in (大地点)到达

43, get to 到达

44, think of 认为,想起

45, listen to 听

46, hear of 听说

47, hear about 听说关于

48, hear from sb 收到某人的来信

49, obey the rules 遵守规则

50, help sb with sth 在某方面帮助某人

51, on weekends 在周末

52, either 。。。or。。。要么。。。要么

53, on time 准时

54, in time 及时

55, be good with 善于应付。。。

56, be strict with sb 对某人严格

57, be strict in sth 在某方面严格

58, get lost 迷路

59, cut down 砍到

60, be made of 由。。。制成(看得出)

61, make soup 做汤

62, go to movies 去电影院

63, eat out 出去吃饭

64, eat up 吃光

65, take a message for sb 为某人捎个口话

66, call back 回电话

67, answer the phone 接电话

68, go along with 沿着

69, turn left 向左转

70, on holiday 度假

71, over and over again 多次

72, across from 在。。。对面

73, in danger 处于危险之中

74, a little bit 有点儿

75, kind of 稍微

76, take the order 点菜

77, make wishes 许愿

78, blow out 吹灭

79, be popular with 受。。。欢迎

80, bring good luck to 给。。。带来好运

81, stay up 熬夜不睡,熬夜

82, run away 逃跑

83, shout at 对谁大喊大叫

84, wake sb up 叫醒某人

85, medium height 中等身高

86, at last 最后

87, all over the world 世界各地

88, in the countryside 在农村

89, up and down 上上下下

90, be interested in 对。。感兴趣

91, get interested in 对。。。感兴趣

92, have an interest in 对。。。感兴趣

93, be different from 与。。。不同

94, a bowl of 一碗

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